The Range: Undergraduate Research Journal's primary goal is to make more visible the rich and diverse scholarship conducted by University of Utah undergraduates.
- Wider visibility of undergraduate research. The journal is archived with the University of Utah digital archive via Utah Education Network Pressbooks.
- Students who publish in the Range: Undergraduate Research Journal fulfill the publication requirements to be eligible to apply for the Undergraduate Research Designation.
- The Journal is freely available to the public online.
Any University of Utah undergraduate student may submit their research for publication. While the research reported in the submission does not need to have been conducted under the supervision of a faculty member, a faculty mentor must approve the student's submission. Any student wanting to receive the URSD must write and submit their own journal submission as a first or solo author.
Formatting requirements
- Submissions to the Undergraduate Research Journal must be carefully edited prior to submission. They will be published as-is or with minor formatting adjustments as necessary.
- OUR does not edit submissions - minor edits may be made, but the proofreading is the responsibility of the faculty mentor and authors.
- Students must submit on their own behalf.
- By submitting, you are consenting to publication in this open access publicly available journal.
- Submission must include a bibliography or references.
- All submissions must use the RANGE Template and be saved as a PDF or a Docx (Docx preferred, unless if you are using non-standard fonts, equations, then a PDF is preferred). The PDF/Docx is uploaded into the submission form.
- Submissions with images, tables, and/or graphs: Students need to upload a separate Word document including all images, graphs and/or charts to be published with their submission in JPG format. Images need to be high-resolution and appear clearly and to the expected size in the Word document. This Word document is uploaded into the submission form.
- Scholarly references are encouraged for articles (research reflections do not require this). Use standard citations of your field (APA, MLA, Chicago).
- Endnotes may be used, although it should not be "automated" - but manually inserted.
RANGE Template
- Required Header: centered in 12-point Times New Roman font:
Title of Project
Student's Full Name (Faculty Mentor: Full Name), Additional Authors if applicable
Department of ...- The remainder of the page(s) may be used to present the student's research or creative works as desired by the student and faculty mentor. The page(s) may include text and/or pictures---submissions may take the form of research abstracts, summaries, paper, artists' statements, and/or pictures of research or creative works. All text must be at least 12-pt Times New Roman font size and single spaced.
- For formatting help, please review previous years' publications.
- Only the first author uploads the submission. It is the responsibility of the first author to include all authors' names and emails during the submission process. Only first authors will be eligible to receive the Undergraduate Research Scholar Designation.
- All authors must agree on an author order. Authorship conventions differ by field; this should be decided in careful consultation with the faculty mentor.
- Each submission may have only one first author, and all other authors must be ordered.
- The first author is responsible for making sure that the submission is completed successfully and for forwarding the emailed confirmation message to all other authors.
- If the faculty mentor on the project is also a co-author, they must be listed twice: as a mentor and also as an author.
All submissions from University of Utah undergraduate students that are approved by a qualified faculty mentor are accepted for publication. Faculty mentors or designated mentors are expected to review their mentee's submission.
Beginning in the fall 2022: the Range: Journal of Undergraduate Research is published on Press Books. Press Books is made available through the Utah Education Network. All publications are published with Creative Commons Attribution.
- Submissions received by June 1st, appear in the annual issue 1 - published in July.
- Submissions received by November 1st, appear in the annual issue 2 - published in December.
- OUR Education Series: Publishing Your Research in Journals
This presentation is for undergraduates who want to learn more about publishing their research in journals. A panel of University of Utah journal editors will share the steps a first-time author should consider, how to find a publication for your project, and how to prepare a manuscript for submission. - Undergraduate Research Journal Listing
- Seven Great Books About Scholarly Publishing
- Generative AI and Authorship
- OUR Education Series: Publishing Your Research in Journals
In December 2022, the Undergraduate Research Journal was renamed to Range: Undergraduate Research Journal.
RANGE: Undergraduate Research Journal (2024 issue 1)
RANGE: Undergraduate Research Journal (2023 issue 2)
RANGE: Undergraduate Research Journal (2023 issue 1)
RANGE: Undergraduate Research Journal (2022 issue 2)
Undergraduate Research Journal (2022 issue 1)
Undergraduate Research Journal (2021)
Undergraduate Research Journal (2020)
Undergraduate Research Journal (2019)
Undergraduate Research Journal (2018)
Undergraduate Research Journal (2017)
Undergraduate Research Journal (2016)
Undergraduate Research Journal (2015)
Due to website migration, not all journal issues are available at this time. We are working to fix this. Thank you for your patience. Contact if you need citation and a PDF of your publication, or a letter that confirms you have published with OUR's journal.
View older editions of the Undergraduate Research Journal Archived with the Utah Marriott Library