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SPUR Student Application

Acceptance to the Summer Program for Undergraduate Research is highly competitive and applicants must complete the application process by the deadline to be considered. 

2025 Program Dates
May 19 - August 1
Application Deadline
Application closed.
Letters of Recommendation
Closed: no longer accepting letters.

Have questions about SPUR or on the application process? Watch the Student Info Session!

STEP 1: Review Projects

  • Review list of available projects. Each applicant will choose their top 3 projects when applying.

STEP 2: Complete Application

  • Complete the Online Application Form (Opens November 1st) by the application deadline.
  • Application must be completed using InfoReady site where a login account will be required (Recommended browsers to use: FIREFOX or CHROME).
    • University of Utah students will use their CIS credentials to create a login account.
    • All non-University of Utah students will need to register for a new account. We recommend you use your preferred email account.
  • The application form includes the following sections:
      • Your contact information
      • Optional demographic information
      • Academic information
      • Personal statement: In approximately 500 words or less (3,500 characters), please describe your reason for applying to SPUR (for example, how your participation in SPUR would contribute to your educational/professional goals), what you hope to gain from this program, the research you are interested in conducting (should be related to project choices), any technical skills you possess, and any previous research experience.
      • Project list: Choose top three available projects to which you are applying.
      • Resume/CV (Uploaded via the form. Must be pdf. Please name your file "SPUR2025-YourLastName-Resume". Example: Angie Leiva's file name would be ("SPUR2025-Leiva-Resume").
      • Transcript (Uploaded via the form. May be either official or unofficial. Make sure the institution name appears on the transcript. If you have not completed any college work, please upload your high school transcripts. Must be a pdf. Please name your file "SPUR2025-YourLastName-Transcript". Example: Angie Leiva's file name would be ("SPUR2025-Leiva-Transcript").
      • Two letters of recommendation (Uploaded by recommenders by Sunday, January 26, 2025 by 11:59 PM MST, a link is sent to letter writers via email once you submit your application). Preferably, letters of recommendation are written by faculty members who can attest to your suitability for research, motivation, and classroom performance. It is the applicant's responsibility to make sure the recommenders receive the link and submit their letters on time.
      • Application conditions
      • Application certification
  • Once the application is submitted, you should receive a confirmation email to the email address provided in the form. If you do not receive the email within a few minutes, and it is not in your junk/spam folder, please email to confirm that we have record of the correct email address.
  • After the application deadline, all applications will be reviewed by the Selection Committee.
  • Accepted and waitlisted applicants will receive notification of the Selection Committee's decision via email in early to mid-March. Final notifications will be sent to remaining applicants at the beginning of April.