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Staying or Leaving: A Discourse Analysis of Narratives told by Victim/Survivors of Domestic Violence

Semester: Summer 2023

Presentation description

The goal of this study is to increase understanding when it comes to considering the reasons individuals in abusive relationships decide to stay in them and what their motivations are when they decide to leave such relationships. It strives to carefully assess and recognize the importance of the moment victims/survivors make the crucial decision to finally remove themselves and stay away from their violent relationships after an extended/short period of time, or why they decide to hold on to the violent relationship for longer. Not only will this study acknowledge the common reasons why individuals or the public believe victims/survivors of domestic violence leave these relationships, such as financial or family reasons, but will go one step further and uncover other reasons that are unique to the individual as to why victims/survivors have a more challenging time leaving those relationships if that is the case. This study focuses on analyzing and better comprehending the type of narrative, assumptions, stereotypes, or presuppositions that victims/survivors of domestic violence might have when they stay or leave a violent relationship. Such analysis will be achieved by examining any available narrative primarily collected through interviews and social media posts that provide key information about domestic violence, victims, survivors, and their experiences. An additional purpose of this study is to create meaningful resources that could, in some way, support victims/survivors and survivors of domestic violence to leave such abusive relationships.

Presenter Name: Abril Vale-Luzardo
Presentation Type: Poster
Presentation Format: In Person
Presentation #23
College: Humanities
School / Department: Writing & Rhetoric Studies
Research Mentor: Jennifer Andrus
Date | Time: Thursday, Aug 3rd | 10:30 AM