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Phase Separation in Mixed Dion-Jacobson and Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskites

Semester: Summer 2024

Presentation description

Two-dimensional (2D) perovskites are hybrid inorganic-organic semiconductors that have recently emerged as a promising new material in the field of optoelectronics. These materials hold exciting applications in solar cells, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), photodetectors, and lasers. The two main classifications of 2D perovskites are Dion-Jacobson (DJ) and Ruddlesden-Popper (RP). DJ perovskites of the chemical formula ACX4, where 'A' is a diammonium organic cation, 'C' is a metal, and 'X' is a halide. RP perovskites have the chemical formula B2CX4, where 'B' is a monoammonium cation. While extensive effort has been allocated to researching RP and DJ perovskites separately, little is known about how the two spacer cations mix. Our research focuses on integrating DJ and RP perovskites together, with the goal of creating a hybrid perovskite with tunable properties reflective of both classes. We hypothesize that A = hexane-1,6-diammonium iodide (Hex) and B = n-butylammonium iodide (BAI) would combine most effectively due to the relative length of both cations. To accomplish this, we synthesized both perovskites independently in a nitrogen filled glove box. We then utilized a modified liquid pipetting robot to pipette, spin coat, and anneal various ratios of Hex and BAI perovskites together. Immediately following this, the robot obtained photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Further analysis was performed via two-dimensional x-ray diffraction (2D XRD). These analytical techniques were a crucial experimental step as they provided us with detailed information regarding the optical and crystalline properties of the resulting perovskite. Data analysis reveals that Hex and BAI perovskites primarily undergo phase separation when combined. This experiment was performed with other A and B cations, yielding similar results. Therefore, we conclude that RP and DJ perovskites primarily phase separate when combined rather than mix.

Presenter Name: Zach Coons
Presentation Type: Poster
Presentation Format: In Person
Presentation #31
College: Science
School / Department: Chemistry
Research Mentor: Connor Bischak
Time: 9:00 AM
Physical Location or Zoom link:
