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Fire Regimes in Natural and Human-Altered Landscapes: Charcoal and XRF Evidence from the Tigray Plateau

Semester: Spring 2025

Presentation description

This research investigates the impact of fires on soil chemistry in the now-relict Afromontane forests of Ethiopia. The Tigray Plateau was once carpeted with biodiverse forests prior to the Aksumite occupation between 50BCE and 700CE. We are using sedimentary charcoal and XRF soil chemistry data to determine how the fire regime has changed from its natural pattern to its current human-altered regime, and how the soil chemistry has responded.

Presenter Name: Nicholas Bosworth
Presenter Name: S S
Presentation Type: Poster
Presentation Format: In Person
Presentation #60B
College: Social & Behavioral Science
School / Department: Geography
Research Mentor: Mitchell Power
Time: 10:45 AM
Physical Location or Zoom link:

Union Ballroom