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Ciliate viral vectors: the effect of Tetrahymena on infectivity of Aquareoviruses

Semester: Summer 2024

Presentation description

Aquatic environments are filled with viruses that affect the health of these crucial ecosystems. However, little is known about these viruses and their methods of transmission. Tetrahymena, a model eukaryoutic ciliate found in freshwater environments, seem to hold a clue to viral transmission because of their generous consumption of viral particles. Tetrahymena are additionally consumed themselves, suggesting they may be a key contributor to virus movement-a ciliate viral vector. We are specifically interested in the interaction between Tetrahymena and Aquareoviruses, a genus of double stranded RNA viruses that infect fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. Previous research shows that the Aquareovirus Chum Salmon Reovirus (CSV) becomes more infectious when incubated with Tetrahymena. Our question expands on this study by asking both if the finding with CSV applies to all Aquareoviruses and what mechanisms Tetrahymena use to process these viruses. We found that another Aquareovirus, Eel Lake Virus, has a similar increase in infectivity when exposed to Tetrahymena while two others in the same genus, 13p2 and Green River Virus, do not. We hypothesize that Tetrahymena proteases digest the outer capsid of these viruses, exposing more infectious proteins. To investigate the role of consumption of viral particles in Tetrahymena mechanisms, we used a mutant of Tetrahymena thermophila that has a deficient phagocytosis pathway, Δvps8a. We found surprisingly that these mutant Tetrahymena yielded an even higher CSV viral titer. Our future experiments add a protease inhibitor to see if digestion by proteases within the ciliate is causing this higher infectivity in CSV. These experiments will develop a model to understand Tetrahymena as a vector for aquatic viral transmission.

Presenter Name: Eleanor Wachtel
Presentation Type: Poster
Presentation Format: In Person
Presentation #40
College: Medicine
School / Department: Human Genetics
Research Mentor: Nels Elde
Time: 10:00 AM
Physical Location or Zoom link:
