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U.S. Forest Service: Career pathways for permanent employment through paid internships 

Please join the USDA Forest Service’s Student and Emerging Professionals team for an information session on paid student internships across the U.S. that lead to full-time job opportunities. For students in all majors, and especially for students interested in conservation, natural and cultural resources, environmental management, research and development, business operations, communications, and IT. Learn about the benefits of each program and how to apply for this summer and beyond.

U.S. Forest Service Presenters:

  • Bryan Bearor, Program Specialist and Recruiter, Region 4
  • Amy Firestone, Ph.D., Supervisory Student and Emerging Professionals Program Manager, Workforce Development Partnership Hub, National Partnership Office
  • Julissa Gonazlez, Diversity Student Programs Coordinator, Workforce Development Partnership Hub, National Partnership Office
  • Lisa Jeffries, Administrative Operations Specialist, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Research and Development
  • Sylvia Staples, Co-Coordinator of the Resource Assistants Program, Students and Emerging Professionals Team, Workforce Development Partnership Hub



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Event Format: On Demand
  • Careers & Research