Presenter Name: Zachary Cooper
In what ways does the material affect a craftsman and their connection to the thing they are crafting? What materials are best suited for architectural ornamentation? In order to explore these questions I have decided to make or build the same architectural ornament four times using four different materials; stone, wood, plaster, and 3D printed plastic. Each involves a different level of involvement by the craftsman. This will allow me to discover which crafting methods most connect a craftsman to the piece they are crafting. I suspect that my experience will determine that the plaster will be the most involved piece in this circumstance, followed by wood, and then stone and 3D print. This is because the level of involvement I will have in each of these methods will directly reflect which I feel the most connected to. I will also be conducting a short research survey by laying out all four of the finished ornaments and asking questions in order to see what the general public's perception is as to which of the four materials are most desirable, most authentic, or most reproducible. I suspect that wood will be the most desirable material because of its natural qualities with the grain and richness of color, followed by the stone piece since it will also have some natural quality to it, but also its texture and sense of weight or strength. I suspect that the plaster mold will be liked because of how it feels more sculpted and artistic than the others might. I suspect the 3D print to be the last one because it is plastic, hard, and gives a fake feel. Materiality is extremely impactful on the end user experience and therefore this research will inform me on the importance of utilizing the best and most appropriate materials per a given application.
University / Institution: Utah Valley University
Type: Poster
Format: In Person
Presentation #A10
SESSION A (9:00-10:30AM)
Area of Research: Architecture
Faculty Mentor: Brandon Ro