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Police & College: University of Utah Student and Faculty Satisfaction with Campus Police

Year: 2023

Presenter Name: Ermiya Fanaeian

The continuous discourse revolving around policing in America has two sides, one suggesting police do not serve to stop gender-based violence, and another side that argues policing is the only way to adequately address gender-based violence. Using the situation of gender-based violence as either a defense or rejection of police. With the events that have occurred here on the University of Utah campus in regard to Lauren McCluskey, a student who was murdered by her male partner after reporting to campus police, policing on the University of Utah's campus has found itself in the center of such national debate, amongst a population (college students) that faces high levels of gender-based violence (Fisher iii). In this research, we analyze current scholarship on police satisfaction, campus gender-based violence, and police perception differences among racially oppressed people. We created a survey with a line of questioning that allows us insight into the current satisfaction of students and faculty at the University of Utah with their campus police department's handling of gender-based violence and crises. We utilized recruitment methods that involved outreach initiatives on the part of administrators from all different departments on campus to collect adequately representative data. Data for this research is still currently being collected and will close on December 16th. Complete analyzation of the data will be completed a couple of months prior to the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research and will use a combination of bivariate and multivariate statistical analysis.
University / Institution: University of Utah
Type: Oral
Format: In Person
SESSION A (9:00-10:30AM)
Area of Research: Social Sciences
Faculty Mentor: James Curry
Location: Union Building, PARLOR A (9:20am)