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New Leadership Academy’s Effect on Leadership

Year: 2023

Presenter Name: Andrew Koenig

The New Leadership Academy (NLA) Fellows Program changes the expectations that surround leaders, leadership and leadership development across higher education. The learning strategies in forming the program's curriculum are premised on a recognition that the demographic, democratic, and discursive foundations on which modern higher education has been built are changing. As colleges and universities respond to these environments, leaders will require specialized knowledge and tools, as well as the personal and professional courage to be effective in what are clearly complex and highly contested environments. NLA began at University of Michigan and has since transferred to University of Utah, where it continues to advance the EDI work in higher education today. There are over 150 current NLA Alumni, who work at higher education and non profit organizations around the globe. This study hopes to help NLA understand its Alumni's experience and growth during and since they went through the leadership program, in the categories of leadership, application and self image, as well as equity, diversity and inclusion. This study will be mixed methods. We will engage in interviews, focus groups, and survey data collection in order to paint a picture of what the NLA experience looks like as a fellow. Results of this study will illustrate how NLA is helping training in equity-based leadership, as well as a categorical overview of the program. With these results we will be able to better understand the NLA experience, tailor our program to meet participants needs, and share the NLA story.
University / Institution: University of Utah
Type: Poster
Format: In Person
Presentation #C63
SESSION C (1:45-3:15PM)
Area of Research: Social Work
Faculty Mentor: Paton Roden