Presenter Name: Saydi Anderson
This past summer, under the sponsorship of an Honors College Independent Summer Research Grant, I explored the relationship between English and Spanish in Ines Del Alma Mia. My textual analysis builds upon a close-reading of the text in the two language, and is grounded in translation theory - the deliberate yet culturally influenced decisions that translators must make when translating. I argue that although Inés del alma mía might be new to readers, its plotline is one that has been passed down historically for generations: the story of conquest and colonization. This shared social knowledge simplifies the translation process, allowing a literal translation of the original text. Even further, I illustrate how we cannot create what we cannot first imagine, and what we can imagine comes from our backgrounds and social context; the deliberate decisions made in the translation process merely magnify the all too familiar and accepted glorification of the conquest of native tribes.
University / Institution: Westminster College
Type: Oral
Format: In Person
SESSION B (10:45AM-12:15PM)
Area of Research: Humanities
Faculty Mentor: Chris LeCluyse
Location: Union Building, ROOM 312 (10:45am)