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Impact of Ethnic Studies in K-12 Education in Utah

Year: 2023

Presenter Name: Haley Tetzlaff

A study to investigate the impact of ethnic studies courses on students, alumni, and teachers in K-12 education in Utah.
With UROP funding we will study the impact of K-12 ethnic studies education in Utah. In May of 2022 Utah passed bill SB244 stating the requirement of ethnic studies education in K-12 institutions. Because of this, we plan to conduct a series of oral history interviews with a mix of current students, alumni, and teachers. With this mix we believe we can get a broader range of experiences. Through these interviews we will get an inside look on the substance which ethnic studies instills in our younger generations. Through these interviews we will understand the benefits and/or the disadvantages these courses offer. Interviews will gain insight on the desires of the students and teachers versus what is allowed by the student board and other institutional bodies in Utah. We really want to dive into the growth and the positivity that K-12 ethnic studies courses produce not only in individuals but on a larger societal scale as well. Interviews will be transcribed and submitted at the University of Utah library with findings and final thoughts.
University / Institution: University of Utah
Type: Poster
Format: In Person
Presentation #C69
SESSION C (1:45-3:15PM)
Area of Research: Social Sciences
Faculty Mentor: Thomas Swensen