Presenter Name: Jenny Mecham Carbajal
The context of my research project is focused on the exploration of relationships and the affects they implicate on self identity and individuals. Acknowledging each of these aspect can be there own area of exploration will inform the connectivity that is trying to be achieved. Though relationship can be applied to objects which includes tangibility, the area I'm explore is intangible. This calls for attention as to what context can be investigated to apply tangibility to the subject of relationship. The area of which I've chosen is the human form. This form behaves in a incapsulating matter that harnesses all of the ingredients of which make up relationships. Emotions, feelings and experiences are some examples. But all of which are intangible and influence how we feed and what we invest into our relationship. But these internal areas can surface within the human form through gesture, posture and body language. The ambiguity and variation between each individual can be achieved by specific and expressive mark making within my artistic practice. Understanding and researching the anatomical features of the human form to achieve high reality is of importance for this research and is the overall area of which I'm exploring. Relationships vary between individuals and as well as the role they play such as personal, romantic, platonic or family oriented. This will impact the context within the works produced. How the individual perceives and implicates themselves within these levels relationships can impede on how the portrayal of the specific relationship. Inevitably, because I am the artist producing the work, my own relationship with myself and my identity will begin to surface. Which brings the importance of my own exploration of self identity and how my relationships affect me. Exploring the specification of the marks made to reflect how I perceive myself will allow the ability to decipher the marks made to represent another individual other than myself.
University / Institution: Utah Valley University
Type: Visual Arts
Format: In Person
Presentation #A26
SESSION A (9:00-10:30AM)
Area of Research: Arts
Faculty Mentor: Alexandra Giannell