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Developing Interactive-Reading Workshops for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families

Year: 2023

Presenter Name: Stephanie Hernandez

Additional Presenters:
Mellany Groll (

Previous research has shown that early literacy experiences with parent and child engagement improve language, literacy, and academic outcomes for children. But, few studies have included culturally and linguistically diverse families. The purpose of the current project was to develop an interactive reading workshop for parents of preschoolers from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) backgrounds for use in a larger study. We collaborated with a local preschool to create a five-week evidence-based workshop for parents of children in the preschool. Workshop presentations were developed through an iterative process of practice and discussion and reviewed by the faculty advisor and community partners. Current research literature informed the content and strategies utilized in the workshops for interactive book reading. Presentations, books, video examples, and handouts were offered in English, Spanish, and Portuguese to accommodate the diverse language needs of the preschool families. Presentations were also adapted to be inclusive of children with diverse developmental needs. Culturally responsive practices were incorporated including discussion among parents to allow for the sharing of ideas and insights. These practices ensured the content of the workshop was not prescriptive which implied that there are diverse ways to help children develop literacy skills. In addition, books, incentives, food, and child care were provided for retention of participants. Navigating timelines and implementing feedback from community partners and parents presented challenges in our collaboration. These challenges were addressed as a team through open communication with our local partners and by setting clear expectations. We learned the need for flexibility when working with partners and the value of simplicity in our workshops. Lessons learned included the importance of incorporating multiple perspectives and voices, prioritizing responsiveness to feedback, and projecting diverse viewpoints.

University / Institution: Brigham Young University
Type: Poster
Format: In Person
Presentation #C82
SESSION C (1:45-3:15PM)
Area of Research: Education
Faculty Mentor: Connie Summers