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Travel and Small Grants

The Office of Undergraduate Research provides funding opportunities for students whose research requires travel or other support. Every month the Office of Undergraduate Research competitively considers student applications for the Travel & Small Grants program. Travel & Small Grants allow students to travel for research conferences, to conduct research, or to acquire materials needed to complete research under the supervision of their faculty mentors.

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    • Applicants must be enrolled, degree seeking undergraduate students at the University of Utah at the time of application and at the time the funds will be used.
    • Applicants must be working collaboratively with a University of Utah faculty on a research project and the funds requested must go towards that project.
    • Requested funds may only cover the undergraduate student applicant’s future research-related expenses.
    • The University of Utah allows domestic travel for students. International trips are subject to approval, check HERE.
  • Grants are considered monthly. Travel Grant and Small Grant applications are reviewed monthly. All application materials (including faculty mentor portion) must be submitted no later than the last day of the previous month. Grants are for future expenses only (applications submitted in the same month as the travel will not be accepted).

  • What is expected of Travel Grants & Small Grants recipients and their mentors?

    Students are expected to:

    • Use awarded funds only as indicated in the proposed budget.
    • Forfeit and return unused funds to the Office of Undergraduate Research within two semester of the award.
    • Submit a final report within 60 days of receiving the grant (or, in the case of a Travel Grant, within 60 days after the travel).
    • Acknowledge support from the University of Utah Office of Undergraduate Research in the dissemination of the research. We suggest the following: This work was supported by funding from the Office of Undergraduate Research at the University of Utah awarded to [student's name]. Please use this logo.

    Faculty mentors are expected to:

    • Mentor the student in her/his pursuit of the proposed research project.
    • Support the expectations of students listed above.
    • Acknowledge support from the University of Utah Office of Undergraduate Research in the dissemination of the research. We suggest the following: This work was supported by travel and small grant funding provided by the Office of Undergraduate Research at the University of Utah awarded to [student's name, Semester, Year]. Please use this logo.

    Note to applicants:

    • Once you complete the student portion of the application, you will be instructed to forward your submission confirmation email to your faculty mentor, who must then complete the faculty mentor portion of the application before the application will be considered for funding. Incomplete applications expire after 30 days and must be re-submitted to be considered.
    • To the extent possible in light of the award criteria, Small Grants and Travel Grants are distributed throughout the colleges and schools on campus.

    • Funding from the travel grant program (max $500) might cover expenses for future: airfare, lodging, conference registration, mileage (funding may not be used for gas).
    • Students may be awarded a maximum of one travel grant.
    • Travel Grants may not be used for: Travel related to research that is not conducted with a University of Utah professor.
    • Award preference will be given to students who: Request travel funds for a conference at which they have been accepted to present.


    • Funding from the small grant program (max $500) can help with future purchases of: research supplies, special training fees, participant incentives, or other research costs related to the student's original work.
    • Small grants may not be used to pay publication fees or to purchase books, software, or other supplies that are available to U of U students via the libraries, computer labs, Marriott Knowledge Commons, etc.
    • Students may be awarded only one small grant.
    • Award preference will be given to students who: Request funds to purchase consumables rather than durable supplies.

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  • If awarded a Small or Travel grant, funds will be electronically transferred to an administrative contact person in the mentor's department. The student can then work with this person to either: a) have the admin purchase items or travel for the student, OR b) reimburse the student for purchases the student made.

    Travel and Research Resources