The Lawrence T. Dee and Janet T. Dee Foundation was established by Lawrence Taylor and Janet Teller Dee in 1971 for the purpose of promoting charitable activities in Ogden and the surrounding area. It remains a family foundation dedicated to furthering the growth and well-being of the people of northern Utah.
The availability of this program and number of scholarships offered may vary from year to year, depending on funding. The student and mentor are recognized at the annual Undergraduate Research Awards Ceremony.
Each Spring, undergraduate students currently with a UROP or prior recipient of a UROP whose research contributes to the well-being of the residents of northern Utah are invited to apply for a $1200 scholarship to support continuation of their research. Seniors in their final year conducting research are encouraged to apply; successful completion of a UROP makes candidates stronger for contention, but all students will be considered.
Students must be enrolled as an undergraduate during the semester of the scholarship (fall semester). The scholarship is awarded at the beginning of the Undergraduate Research Scholarship semester and the award.
Students are advised that the Undergraduate Research Scholarship may be counted against their financial aid eligibility.
Application Opens: March 1
Deadline to Apply: May 31st.
Scholarship is for fall semester.
Jaylee Aston (Claudia Geist) - Analyzing Perceptions of Sex, Sexuality and Gender in the Healthcare System
Jeff Dillon (Jacqueline Chen) - Impact of Perceived Prevalence of LGBT+ Identification on Causal Attributions
Sofia Denise Flowers (Lauri Linder) - The Caregiving Experience For Children Diagnosed With Cancer: A Secondary Analysis
Audrey Glende (Shanti Deemyad) - Investigating the material properties of colossal magnetoresistant material EuCd2P2
Jae Woong Lee (Pai Wang) - Customizing Dispersion Bands of Phononic Crystals through Asymmetric Stiffness
Abby Niwa (David Grunwald) - Determining if Altered IL4R Gene Function is Linked To Osteoarthritis
Jonah Simmons (Kanokwan Bunsawat) - Characterizing Peripheral Vascular Function in Cardiorenal Syndrome
Kishan Thambu (Ganesh Adluru) - Enhancing Myocardial T1 Mapping with a Deep Learning Framework for deformable motion compensation using Utah Patient Data
Aksel Anderson (Rob MacLeod) - Three-Dimensional Mapping of Ischemic Zones and Coronary Perfusion
Cassandra Burdick (Caleb Thomson) - Box and Blocks-Virtual Reality Environment
Kyle Harshany (Will Holland) - The effect of the gain and loss of neuronal ceramides on behavior in an early onset Alzheimer's mouse model
Rui Jin (Rob MacLeod) - Integration of Electrogram Signal Processors: OpenEP and PFEIFER
Maddie Lodico (Chuck Dorval) - Evaluating the response sensitivity of axons, from realistic geometries of axon trajectory, to optimize contact location for deep brain stimulation
Irvane Nelson (Owen Chan) - The efficacy of the novel somatostatin receptor 2 antagonist, ZT-01, given via an osmotic pump to restore glucagon secretion in diabetic rats
Elizabeth Russo (Annie Fukushima) - Dear Sister Letter Campaign
Nick Thomson (Yan-Ting Shiu) - Investigating Sex Differences in Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation -
Kenzie Fleming (Aaron Fischer) - Evaluating the Efficacy of Asynchronous Problem-Solving Teleconsultation with Teachers who Serve Rural Students with Disabilities
Erin Garzella (Tracey Lamb) - Co-infection of Malaria and Gammaherpesvirus in Mice
Nate Hooper (Dustin Williams) - Development and Analysis of Anti-biofilm Polyurethane Foam for Use in Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Kayleigh Kirkpatrick (Kaedan O'Brien) - Faunal Analysis of Amigo 3, a Cave in Utah's House Range
Ava Peitz (Ming Hammond) - A New Technique for the Fluorescence Quantitation of 2',3'-cGAMP
Tessa Petersell (Peter Fino) - Reactive Balance in Concussion Assessments in Collegiate Athletes
Sabrina Su (Jay Kim) - Integration of a Pneumatically Actuated Microvalve Pump with in vitro Trabecular Meshwork for Ocular Research
Derrick Wong (Yong Kong) - 3D-Printing and Characterization of Conformal Wireless LC Sensors
Elle Gaudette (Peter Fino) - The Association of Dizziness with Physiological and Balance Deficits in Older Population
Heather Graham (Kim Hackford-Peer) - Literacy and Representation in the LGBTQIA+ Communities
Anika Isom (Ben Christensen) - Rheometry Analysis of Rabbit Vocal Folds for Asthma Medication
Madeline Jensen (Rose Smith) - Impact of Plant and Microbial Diversity on Nitrogen Retention in Storm-Water Green Infrastructures
Kai Pruyn (Tommaso Lenzi) - Biomechanics Analysis of the Assistance Provided by a Powered Knee Exoskeleton for Standing Up
Madeleine Sorenson (Rebecca Utz) - Live Hospice Discharge: A Critical Analysis About the Ethics of Ending Hospice Care for Terminal Patients
Zakary Wankier (Sarina Sinclair) - Use of Loadsol Devices to Assess Patient Ground Reaction Forces During Prescribed Physical Therapy from Home
Rachel D'Agostini (Krista Carlson) - Destruction of Bacteria and Biofilms using an Electrocatalytic Ceramic Probe
Connor Davis (Shane Macfarlan) - Hidden Power: The Impact of Cosponsorship Networks on Legislative Success in the Utah State Legislature
Claire Dinehart (Akiko Kamimura) - Examining Free Clinic Patients Household Environmental Safety and the Resulting Impact on Their Perceived Stress Levels
Kallin Glauser (Elizabeth Clement) - Babies, Bibles, and Barricades: Birth Control in 60's and 70's Utah
Erica Hill (Stacy Manwaring) - Play and Language Development in Toddlers at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sonny Jones (Michael Paskett) - Using Physiological Factors to Study the Mental Workload of Neural Prostheses
Hannah Louise Landicho (Eric Garland) - Studying Efficacy of Mindfulness Therapy for Chronic Pain and Opioid Misuse
Hunter Mansfield (Kimberley Evason) - Investigation of the Serotonin System in Liver Regeneration and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Kamala Poudyel (Akiko Kamimura) - Perceptions of mental health and stress related to social support and acculturation among Bhutanese refugee women in the United States
Marcus Blackburn (Frank Sachse) - Using Electrical Conduction Modeling in the Heart to Investigate Mechanisms of Arrhythmogenesis
Madison Block (William Brazelton) - Differential Identification of Extremophiles in Layered Geophysical EnvironmentsZachary Bowser (Nitin Phadnis) - Engineering Artificial Segregation Distortion with Chromosomal Breakage
Kathryn Glaittli (Joshua Bonkowsky) - Creating a Zebrafish Model of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease
Nam Nguyen (Christopher Reilly) - Roles of TRPV3 and TRPA1 in Wood Smoke Pneumotoxicity
Caroline Ramous (John David Symons) - Intact endothelial cell autophagy is necessary to observe training-induced vascular adaptations
Gabriella Rasmussen (Alessandra Angelucci) - Tracing Monosynaptic Cortical Circuits of Feedforward and Feedback Connections to V1 Cells that Project to V2
Sullivan Howard (Prof. Akiko Kamimura) - Opioid and pain medicine use among free clinic patients
Dallin Romney (Prof. Kuenhan Park) - Efficacy of Passive Radiative Thermal Cooling Textiles for Human Application
Simran Saini (Prof. Jessica Kramer) - Synthesizing Antifreeze Proteins Found in Nature to be used in Cryopreservation of Cells
Angela Zhu (Prof. Yelena Wu) - Sun-protection Understanding (SUN) in Schools
Gemma Clark (Prof. Jennifer Weidhaas) - Effects of Temperature on Microbial Processes Influencing the Performance of Treatment Wetlands
Warren Jensen (Prof. Claudia Geist) - Expressions of Masculinity Among LDS Men
Zoe Kozlowski (Prof. Lori Gawron) - Assessing the Unmet Contraceptive Need in Homeless Women in Salt Lake City
Sarah Patterson (Prof. Danielle Endres) - Utes Nickname Research Project
Cole Richards (Prof. Keith Koper) - Physical Mineral Characteristics of Fault Zones as a Function of Distance from the Core
Colton Leavitt (Prof. Sujee Jeyapalina) - The Inherent Properties of Fluorohydroxyapatite: Decreasing Downgrowth and Infection in Percutaneous Intraosseous Implants
William Nguyen (Prof. Milind Deo) - Flow in Nanoporous Rocks
Alberto Martinez (Prof. Milind Deo) - Effect of Nanoporous Materials on Saturation Pressure in Shale Reservoirs
Adam Whitney (Prof. Charlie Hicks-Little) - Assessing the Need for Physical Therapy Among the Homeless Population of Salt Lake City
Joseph Fuell (Prof. Daniel Leung) - Identification and Evaluation of Antidiarrheal Drugs from Native American Herbal Remedies