Faculty Mentor: Michael Simpson
Title: Associate Professor
College: Mines & Earth Sciences
School / Department: Metallurgical Engineering
Email: michael.simpson@utah.edu
Project description
Various research opportunities in support of developing advanced separation methods and process monitoring technology for pyroprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. Some examples of projects include electrochemistry of molten salts, adsorption and ion exchange in zeolites, and simulation of nuclear fuel treatment facilities.
Student Role: Running experiments, analyzing data, performing computational calculations
Student Benefits: Students may develop skills as a researcher while working closely with a faculty member and graduate students.
Project Duration: 1 semester or longer. 10+ hours during academic semesters, full time during summer.
Opportunity Type: Volunteer; Earn independent study credit; Prepare a UROP proposal; Write an Honors Thesis; This is a paid research position
Is this a paid opportunity: No
Minimum Requirements: coursework in chemistry, calculus, and physics