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Engineering/Electrical and Computer Engineering Undergraduate Research

Faculty Mentor: Cynthia Furse
Title: Professor
College: Engineering
School / Department: Engineering/Electrical and Computer Engineering

Project description

ECE has a LOT of ways you can get involved in undergraduate research in the department, and several faculty interested in including undergrad researchers in their labs. Please see

Student Role: A variety of opportunities exist... reach out to individual faculty members to see what specific projects they have.
Student Benefits: Opportunities to get directly involved in cutting edge research, work with a research team, explore and learn new ideas.
Project Duration: Varies
Opportunity Type: Research Assistant
Opportunity Location Type: Hybrid
Is this a paid opportunity: ToBeDetermined
Paid Description:

Volunteer, This is a paid research position, This is a work-study research position, Prepare a UROP proposal, Write an Honors Thesis or Senior Thesis, Earn independent study credit

Minimum Requirements: Varies (some projects can start with freshmen, others require more advanced skills such as completing specific courses or trainings)
How To Apply: Visit the Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Research Website for more information on how to apply