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Behavior and Mental Health Supports in Utah Schools

Faculty Mentor: Aaron Fischer
Title: Assistant Professor
College: Education
School / Department: Educational Psychology

Project description

Behavior and Mental Health Supports in Utah Schools

Student Role: Assist with student and teacher classroom observations, co-facilitate parent and student therapy groups, and provide data analysis support
Student Benefits: Learn about evidence-based treatments for students w/ behavior and social-emotional problems, gain valuable applied research experiences in schools, work in collaborative lab
Project Duration: 5-10 hours per week; project duration: 2 years
Opportunity Type: Volunteer; This is a paid research position; This is a work-study research position; Prepare a UROP proposal; Write an Honors Thesis; Earn independent study credit
Is this a paid opportunity: Yes
Minimum Requirements: Good organizational skills, punctuality, initiate, problem-solving. Interest in working in human service field