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Artificial Muscle Electrical Control and Measurement (Instrumentation)

Faculty Mentor: Nicholas Witham
Title: Graduate Student
College: Engineering
School / Department: Electrical & Computer Engineering

Project description

We are designing twisted coiled polymer actuators to mimic the mechanics of human skeletal muscle. To control these artificial muscles we are using resistive heating and the thermoelectric effect to control their temperature and thus mechanics. We are also using the resistance and impedance of the internal wires to determine the state of the muscles. If you have experience with electrical instrumentation and want a chance to apply your knowledge towards medical devices this is a good opportunity.

Student Role: Design, modeling, and control of an electronically controlled thermomechanical system. Publication writing, proofing, reviewing, and running experiments
Student Benefits: Publications on your resume. Training in a growing and competitive field, artificial muscles for medical devices. Pay if you get UROP. Attending conferences.
Project Duration: Duration 1-2 semesters. Hours a week: 8 min if paid by UROP; 4 hours if volunteer
Opportunity Type: Volunteer; Prepare a UROP proposal; Write an Honors Thesis or Senior Thesis; Earn independent study credit
Is this a paid opportunity: ToBeDetermined
Minimum Requirements: Skilled in circuit design, instrumentation, programming (Arduino & Matlab), and a good understanding of basic physics and math.