Faculty Mentor: Alessandra Angelucci
Title: Professor
College: Medicine
School / Department: Ophthalmology
Project description
Our lab studies visual processing in the cerebral cortex. We are looking for students to work on two projects. One aimed at studying the computational function and connectivity of individual inhibitory neurons in the visual cortex, and the second aimed at understanding organization of cortico-cortical feedback connections. This research is part of the foundational effort to uncover the brain's connectome and thus its function.
Keywords: Neuroscience, Anatomy, Brain, Neurology, Vision, Lab
Student Role: Students will be required to learn and perfect immunohistochemistry and histological processing of brain tissue, microscopic analysis of labeled neurons and circuits, and quantitative and statistical analysis of data.
Project Duration: We require a minimum of 2-year commitment including breaks, at least 10 hours / week.
Opportunity Type: Research Assistant
Opportunity Location Type: In Person
Is this a paid opportunity: ToBeDetermined
Paid Description:
Volunteer, This is a paid research position, Prepare a UROP proposal, Write an Honors Thesis or Senior Thesis, Earn independent study credit.
Minimum Requirements: Dedication, reliability, and attention to detail. Ability to carry out a project to completion.
How To Apply: Contact Alessandra Angelucci u0269320@utah.edu