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Funding & Recognition

Nitish Khurana

Title: Postdoctoral Scholar or Fellow
College: Pharmacy
School / Department: Molecular Pharmaceutics
Mentoring Philosophy:

My mentoring experience is extremely hands-on. The student will be shadowing me in the experiments that need to be performed for the successful completion of the project which will then help the student learn different techniques. This will enable the student to perform the experiments themselves and being independent in a research setting. I will provide constant guidance by reviewing literature pertaining to the project, along with the student and by conducting activities such as weekly journal clubs to help the student become more fluent in the art of reviewing literature. There is currently a team of 4 working on this project so the student will also benefit by learning from a shared experience and will also help the student to become a team-player. In addition, in our research group the students meet on a weekly basis with the entire Ghandehari group in our lab to learn about other ongoing research projects. Students will have opportunities to attend seminars in biomedical engineering and molecular pharmaceutics which will broaden their horizons. I am always available for any guidance, whether it is optimizing the experiments or advice related to future goals.