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Daniel Clifton

Title: Assistant Professor Lecturer
College: Fine Arts
School / Department: Dance
Mentoring Philosophy:

Daniel Clifton is from Niceville, FL, where he spent many years writing and playing music in punk and jazz bands. Some of the artist/associations he has had the pleasure of working with are Martha Clarke, Tere O’Connor, Nicholas Leichter, Bill Young and Colleen Thomas, Julia Ritter, photographer Tony Jones, visual artist Tunga, comedian Pam Ann, and the New York Historical Society. His dances have been presented at Henry Street Settlement, Dancenow/NYC, DNA, Dance Off, Hollins University, Florida State University, The Kitchen, IL FAUT BRULER POUR BRILLER/YOU GOT TO BURN TO SHINE, The A.W.A.R.D. Show!, ADF, Brooklyn Arts Exchange, Dancespace, and Williamsburg Arts eXchange. Clifton has taught at The University of the Arts, Florida State University, Lehman College, Hollins University, Sarah Lawrence College, University of North Carolina School of the Arts, the American Dance Festival, ADF China, and the Korean Dance Festival.