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Aaron Puri

Title: Assistant Professor
College: Science
School / Department: Chemistry
Mentoring Philosophy:

Aaron received his PhD in Chemical & Systems Biology at Stanford University as an NSF graduate research fellow in Matthew Bogyo’s lab, where he worked on chemical tools to dissect host-pathogen interactions involving enteric bacteria. He then did his postdoctoral research at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he was co-mentored by Mary Lidstrom and Pete Greenberg and worked on genetic tools and chemical signaling in methane-oxidizing bacteria as part of an NIH K99 Pathway to Independence Award. He has been an assistant professor at the University of Utah in the Department of Chemistry and the Henry Eyring Center for Cell and Genome Science since 2019.

The Puri Lab is interested in how bacteria use natural products to interact with each other and their environment. We use multidisciplinary approaches including microbiology, genetics, and chemistry to identify and characterize the structure, function, and biosynthesis of natural products produced by underexplored bacteria.

Twitter: @awpuri