The OUR program partners convenes up to 4 times a year. OUR Program Partners comprise of research teams committed to fostering research that incorporates undergraduate research.
Register to attend the next OUR Program Partner Meeting on April 8, 2025 at 11 AM via Zoom.
- A partnership between a research unit, team, office, or department with other campus partners, facilitated by the Office of Undergraduate Research
- Partners are funded internally or externally to conduct research that includes incorporating undergraduate researchers.
- Encourages a team-oriented research process (team may include faculty, staff, and students
Formal partnership between offices and entities that:
- Share knowledge and resources
- Foster an academic infrastructure that supports undergraduate research
- Create visibility for research opportunities and programming
- Support research teams as they endeavor to create transformative undergraduate experiences through research
Beginning in 2017, OUR convened the Summer Programs Partnership, and in 2021, the summer program partners was renamed to OUR Program Partners to reflect the round-the-year partnerships in effect to support undergraduate research.
OUR Program Partners
OUR's Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR)
The purpose of SPUR is to provide undergraduate students with an intensive 10-week research experience under the mentorship of a University of Utah faculty member. The program provides opportunities to gain research experience in a variety of disciplines.
American Heart Association- Summer Research Program
The AHA Summer Research Program allows for 10-weeks of basic science research in one of five laboratories focused on cardiovascular complications associated with lipotoxicity. At the University of Utah, we have unparalleled tools and core facilities to discern the mechanisms whereby lipotoxicity contributes to acute ischemic stroke, chronic kidney disease, insulin secretion defects, cardiac dysfunction, and cognitive decline. In addition to performing research, students will participate in a weekly education series, present at an end-of-summer symposium with students from other programs, and be fully funded to attend and/or present at a National Conference. AHA’s Summer Research Program goal is to ignite a passion for cardiovascular research.
Beckman Scholars Program
School of Computing
School of Computing
The Beckman Scholars Program is a 15-month mentored research experience (nine academic calendar months, two three-month summers) for exceptional undergraduate students in chemistry, biological sciences, or interdisciplinary combinations thereof.
Chemistry Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Chemical
The Chemistry REU provides students with an opportunity to engage in full-time, cutting-edge chemistry research. Funding: NSF
5 for the Fight Cancer Research Internship
Howard University and 5 For The Fight have joined forces to create an unparalleled opportunity for rising juniors and seniors to work in some of the world's leading cancer research laboratories.
Genomics Summer Research for Magnificents (GSRM)
GSRM provides a ten-week summer research program for undergraduate students interested in genomics research, personalized medicine and biosciences. The GSRM has been funded by NHGRI and supported by the University of Utah Department of Pediatrics and private donors.
Haumana 'O Pasifika Program
The NIH-funded Haumana 'O Pasifika Program aims to help outstanding Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander undergraduates (or recent graduates) achieve their goals of becoming the next generation of nurses, physician assistants, physicians, and scientists by provide research experience, clinical exposure, career development, and community outreach over the course of a 10-week summer program. A 2-year program for post-baccalaureates is also available.
Health, Air Pollution and Population Initiative in Education and Science Training
HAPPIEST is structured by a mentoring “community of practice,” which supports an evidence-based ten-week summer training program for undergraduate students in the area of environmental health science. This community includes four teams, each comprised of two undergraduate students, one graduate student training coordinator, and one faculty mentor. Teams work on locally relevant air pollution and health research projects, with the potential for interdisciplinary integration across teams.
Materials Research Science & Engineering Centers REU (PREVIOUS REU)
From 2012-2017, MRSEC funded exemplary undergraduates in physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineering (chemical, electrical, mechanical, metallurgical) to participate in summer research projects in the areas of Plasmonics or Organic Spintronics. Funding: NSF
Medical Admissions Preparatory Program (MAPP)
The Medical Admissions Preparatory Program (MAPP) is designed to assist premedical students with the means to strengthen their ability and readiness to study medicine. MAPP is designed to support students who have experienced social, economic, or education disadvantages in their journey to medical education.
Molecular Pharmaceutics Summer Undergraduate Research Internship
Molecular Pharmaceutics (PHCEU) funded summer research internships provide undergraduate students majoring in science and engineering at US institutions an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in scientific research under the mentorship of world-class scientists. Participation in this program gives students experience in pharmaceutics and drug delivery research and helps prepare them for pursuing graduate studies. Research areas include drug delivery, gene therapy, cell-based delivery, immunotherapeutics and vaccines, precision medicine and theranostics.
Native American Summer Research Internship (NARI)
The Native American Research Internship is a dynamic summer research opportunity for Native American undergraduate junior and senior students who are interested in Health Science research. It is a 10-week, paid summer internship, funded by the National Institutes of Health.
PathMaker Scholars Cancer Research Program for Students
The PathMaker Scholars Summer Research Program at Huntsman Cancer Institute seeks to increase the participation of underrepresented students in biomedical cancer research and to encourage students to prepare for careers in research, medicine, and education. The program sponsors students for a ten-week residential summer research experience, where they will live on campus, learn laboratory training techniques, and work on a project as indicated by a principal investigator in a university laboratory setting.
Pathology Summer Program
More information coming soon.
Physics & Astronomy REU
The Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Utah offers a research experience program in physics and astronomy that allows undergraduate students to work closely with a faculty mentor and their research group on an individual project. All interested students are invited to apply for this 10-week summer program. Funding: NSF
Research Experiences to Advance the Careers of HBCU Undergraduates at the University of Utah (REACH U2) in Health Disparities Research
The purpose of REACH U2 is to provide undergraduate students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in North Carolina with an intensive ten-week summer research experience under the mentorship of a University of Utah faculty member, with the goal of preparing participants for enrolling in competitive graduate programs.
Research Experience in ALpine Meteorology (REALM) REU
REALM will rely on the natural scientific laboratory, provided by the nearby Wasatch Mountains and adjacent urban areas, to enhance student awareness of societal challenges, such as water availability and air quality, that require understanding the influence of alpine terrain on weather and climate processes. Funding: NSF
REU SITE - Intelligent Systems in Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Utah REU Site is a 10-week Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) summer program. The theme of this program is intelligent systems that perceive and respond to the world around them, better utilize scarce resources, and provide increased reliability, comfort, and convenience. This REU Site will connect students with mentors and research projects relating to wearable and implantable healthcare, communications and infrastructure, and vision and imaging. Aside from working on their respective research projects, all students will receive hands-on experience with machine learning because it is anticipated that machine learning will increasingly be integrated into intelligent systems and/or involved in the development of those systems.
Research Experience in Utah for Sustainable Materials Engineering (ReUSE) REU
The ReUSE REU program trained undergraduates in principles of sustainable materials engineering through a 10-week deeply embedded learning experience alongside skilled mentors. All research projects involved sustainability and were broken into three core areas: water, energy, and resources. Funding: NSF
RUUTE Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
The Rural and Underserved Utah Training Experience (RUUTE) program was created with the goal to increase medical education opportunities in rural and underserved areas of Utah by expanding the interest and awareness of rural health, maintaining and growing quality educational experiences, and developing and enhancing community partnerships with stakeholders. | Health and Medicine | Other: Rural Medicine
Wilkes Scholars Program
The Wilkes Scholars Program (WSP) enables outstanding undergraduate students to explore pressing climate challenges facing our state, region, and planet through transformative research. Wilkes Scholars will work with a mentor to advance research related to the mission of the Wilkes Center for Climate Science and Policy — catalyzing innovative science and solutions to address climate change.
Campus-Wide Partners
Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR)
The Office of the Vice President for Research manages a number of funding and award programs designed to pilot new research ideas or equipment, advance the scholarly and creative research profile of the university, promote an equitable, diverse, and inclusive research community, and recognize the outstanding achievements of research faculty across campus.
Office of Sponsored Projects
OSP supports University of Utah faculty through effective management of extramural sponsored proposals and awards funded by federal and state agencies, foundations, and other public and private sources. OSP is primarily responsible for interpreting and ensuring compliance with University policy, proposal and award terms and conditions, and applicable federal and state laws and regulations. OSP reviews and submits proposals on behalf of the University. We also draft, negotiate, and sign sponsored agreements and subawards.
Clinical & Translational Science Institute
Utah Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI) develops and applies generalizable and reproducible translational science innovations to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of research, and ultimately improve the health of our population—reducing health disparities and increasing equity. Utah CTSI serves researchers, participants, community stakeholders, and providers across our institutions, the state of Utah, and the Mountain West Region.
Centers & Institutes at the University of utah
Honors College
The Honors College at the University of Utah is a place for motivated, engaged students to make a difference and impact the world. Here students get the most out of their college education with excellent professors who love to teach, small discussion-based classes, and active learning.
Institutional Review Board
IRB conducts ethics reviews for research that includes human participants. They strive to protect the rights and welfare of human research participants by ensuring compliance with state and federal laws, as well as the high ethical standards set forth in University policy.
Undergraduate Studies
Visit to learn more about the wide-range of opportunities offered to students and faculty partnerships like Bennion Center, Discover U, Early College opportunities, LEAP Learning Community, First Generation Access, among much, much more!