The Undergraduate Studies Office of Undergraduate Research faculty affiliates represent multiple colleges across campus and are excited to announce the launch of the OUR Faculty Affiliates beginning Fall 2022.
Faculty mentors 2021 – 2022 (UROP, SPUR and OURA awardee faculty mentors) will be legacied in as Faculty affiliates for the Fall 2022 academic year.
To learn more about becoming a faculty affiliate, contact or schedule a meeting with the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Annie Isabel Fukushima.
Faculty who are considered OUR faculty affiliates:
- Serve as an UROP / SPUR mentor, or
- Are faculty running research summer programs in partnership with OUR as a Summer Program Partner,
- And hold the status of University of Utah faculty.
Other forms of prospective eligibility
- Partner with OUR to hire undergraduate researchers through a grant, foundation, or external partnership, in agreement with OUR
- Substantial service in facilitating workshops with the OUR Undergraduate Research Education Series
Optional: activities of faculty affiliates:
- Serve as a symposium poster evaluator
- Other activities agreed upon with the Office of Undergraduate Research
- Faculty who provide substantial service such as a reviewer of UROP applications, and/or the Monson Prize Winner
In order to maintain an active and engaged community, the OUR Faculty Affiliates will be reviewed every semester. Affiliate faculty will be asked to demonstrate the following:
- Collaborations with undergraduate researchers; and
- Demonstration of continued engagement with OUR activities or mentoring undergraduate researchers
Faculty affiliates will be reviewed every 2 years.
There are many benefits to becoming a faculty affiliate of the Office of Undergraduate Research. Because faculty members are part of a larger multi- and interdisciplinary research community with a broad focus on a range of issues working with teams or partnerships with undergraduate researchers, the following are benefits to being a faculty affiliate
- Invitation to OUR events such as the Undergraduate Research Symposium, the OUR Awards Ceremony.
- Listed as a faculty affiliate on the OUR website during the year of affiliation to create greater visibility of the excellent mentors across campus.
- Invitation to attend a UROP / SPUR faculty orientation, to learn more about updates on opportunities and working with the Office of Undergraduate Research.
- A letter from the Director/Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies acknowledging the faculty’s role as an OUR faculty affiliate / Graduate Student affiliate.
- OUR Faculty Affiliates do not receive a stipend in this affiliated role and are free to remove their name from the OUR website listing of faculty affiliates.
All Faculty Affiliates
- Attend OUR Program Partner quarterly meetings when available
- Maintain an effective faculty mentor record
- Attend Undergraduate Research Symposium (virtual events or in-person) or the Utah Conference of Undergraduate Research when available
- Promote OUR opportunities
- Commit to mentoring undergraduate researchers or supporting processes that lead to undergraduate researchers receiving opportunities (i.e., future funding, graduate school application, job placement, or other activities that indicate positive research experience tied to future goals).
- Demonstrate sustained engagement with the OUR activities and programs.
For UROP and SPUR Faculty Mentors
- Attend UROP / SPUR meetings as outlined by the specific programs
- Adhere to faculty expectations of the said program.
Contact the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research: Dr. Annie Isabel Fukushima.
Faculty who served as SPUR and UROP mentors 2021 – 2022 were legacied-in as OUR faculty affiliates. This list represents faculty mentors as of summer 2021.
College of Architecture & Planning
Divya Chandrasekhar
Valerie Greer
Sarah Hinners
Andy Hong
Milad Mozari
Alexandra Ponette-González
Alessandro Rigolon
Joerg Ruegemer
Shundana Yusaf
David Eccles School of Business
Lyda Bigelow
Glen Kreiner
Sara Malik
Amelia Stillwell
School for Cultural & Social Transformation
Ana Antunes
Elizabeth Archuleta
Andrea Baldwin
Annie Isabel Fukushima
Edmund Fong
Lezlie Frye
Claudia Geist
Alborz Ghandehari
Kim Hackford-Peer
Ed Munoz
Angela Smith
Thomas Swensen
Kilo Zamora
School of Dentistry
Annette Fleckenstein
Melodie Weller
College of Education
Lauren Barth-Cohen
Cynthia Benally
Erin Castro
Aaron Fischer
José Gutiérrez
Frankie Laanan
Chenglu Li
Lauren Liang
Monika Lohani
Claire Son
Karen Tao
Veronica Valdez
Lynne Zummo
College of Engineering
Jake Abbott
Claire Acevedo
Amir Arzani
Agastya Balantrapu
Rajeev Balasubramonian
Jeff Bates
Edoardo Battaglia
Dmitro Bedrov
Aditya Bhaskara
Tamara Bidone
Simon Binder
Robby Bowles
Daniel Brown
Tony Butterfield
Marc Calaf
Rogelio Cardona-Rivera
Daisy Carvalho Fernandes
Jiyoung Chang
Douglas Christensen
Brittany Coats
Ashley Dalrymple
Chuck Dorval
Stavros Drakos
Daniel Drew
Shireen Elhabian
Tianli Feng
Henry Fu
Cynthia Furse
Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon
Bruce Gale
Tao Gao
Luis Garcia
Jake George
Ramesh Goel
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan
Ashley Guajardo
Laura Hallock
Thomas Henderson
Tucker Hermans
Robert Hitchcock
Jacob Hochhalter
Heather Holmes
Edward Hsu
Huiwen Ji
Ryan Johnson
Priyank Kalla
Kerry Kelly
Jay Kim
Owen Kingstedt
Marina Kogan
Yong Lin Kong
Jessica Kramer
Jan Kubanek
Alan Kuntz
Lars Laurentius
Kam Leang
Tommaso Lenzi
Alexander Lex
Rob MacLeod
Ana Marasovic
Juan Medina
Rajesh Menon
Andrew Merryweather
Andrew Miller
Mark Minor
Kami Mohammadi
Swomitra (Bobby) Mohanty
Ken Monson
Stefan Nagy
Pania Newell
Alex Novoselov
Pavel Panchekha
Chris Pantelides
Eric Pardyjak
Keunhan (Kay) Park
Robert Parker
Sameer Patil
Jeff Philips
Erika Pliner
Marc Porter
Kody Powell
Fernando Rodríguez
Shahrzad Roshankhah
Shad Roundy
Tony Saad
Frank Sachse
Benjamin Sanchez Terrones
Mike Scarpulla
Samira Shiri
Pratik Soni
Taylor Sparks
Ashley Spear
Vivek Srikumar
Russell Stewart
Blair Sullivan
Luke Timmins
Ashutosh Tiwari
Chen Wang
Pai Wang
Yunshan Wang
Roseanne Warren
David Warren
Jennifer Weidhaas
Jason Wiese
Heayoung Yoon
Michael Young
Shundana Yusaf
Ling Zang
Thomas Zangle
Haohan Zhang
Mu Zhang
Xuan "Peter" Zhu
College of Fine Arts
Sonia Albert-Sobrino
Miriam Albert-Sobrino
Daniel Clifton
Elizabeth Craft
Jonathan Dillon
John Erickson
Ernest Gentry
Alexandra Harbold
Jane Hatter
Molly Heller
Sarah Hollenberg
Seth Keeton
Beth Krensky
Meekyung MacMurdie
Maureen O'Hara Ure
Hubbel Palmer
Jessica Rudman
Lien Fan Shen
Brian Snapp
Moses Williams
Wendy Wischer
College of Health
Genevieve Albouy
Yang Bai
Sihem Boudina
Jenna Burnett
Amandine Chaix
Jesse Christensen
Adriana Coletta
Daniel (Danny) Davis
Chris Depner
Micah Drummond
Peter Fino
Katsu Funai
Samantha Gustafson
Tanya Halliday
William (Will) Holland
Skyler Jennings
Bradley (Brad) King
Stacy Manwaring
Rhonda Nelson
Mary Playdon
Anandh Babu Pon Velayutham
Jeff Rose
John David Symons
Kota Takahashi
Joel Trinity
Honors College
Michael Gills
College of Humanities
Jenny Andrus
Maile Arvin
Matthew Basso
David (Dave) Bresnahan
Rachel Bryson
Alexis Christensen
Elizabeth (Beth) Clement
Ben Cohen
Trace Daniels Lerberg
Therese De Raedt
Aniello De Santo
Lindsey Drager
Tanya Flores
Leslie Francis
Disa Gambera
Kendall Gerdes
Mira Green
Gema Guevara
Matt Haber
Leandra Hernandez
Eric Herschthal
Anne Jamison
Jay Jordan
Aaron Kaplan
Ashton Lazarus
ShawnaKim Lowey-Ball
Crystal Lumpkins
Maureen Mathison
Peter Roady
David Roh
Jerry Root
Ed Rubin
Maeera Schreiber
Lisa Swanstrom
Margaret Toscano
Margaret Wan
College of Law
Jorge Contreras
Amos Guiora
School of Medicine
Samir Abdelrahman
Neeraj Agarwal
Kurt Albertine
Jeremy Alpenglow
Andrew Anderson
Alessandra Angelucci
Amanda Bakian
Kelly Baron
Amy Barrios
Kaitlin (Katie) Basham
Anna Beaudin
Maria Bettini
Josh Bonkowsky
KC Brennan
Mandy Bunsawat
Robert Campbell
Owen Chan
Dipayan Chaudhuri
Clement Chow
Ben Christensen
Susanna Cohen
Scott Collingwood
Hilary Coon
Melissa Cortez
Donna Cross
Michael Deans
Tess DeAtley
Rebecca Delaney
Emily Diamond
Edward DiBella
Stavros Drakos
Gregory Ducker
Bruce Edgar
Karen Eilbeck
Nels Elde
Justin English
Kimberley Evason
Brian Evavold
Julio Facelli
Thomas Fallin
Matthew Firpo
Nicholas Frost
Ramkiran Gouripeddi
David Grunwald
Natalia Harasymowicz
Mia Hashibe
Heath Henninger
Guillaume Hoareau
Sheri Holmen
Harriet Hopf
Lyen Huang
Adam Hughes
Siwen Hu-Lieskovan
Man Hung
Kylie Jacobs
Sudha Jayaraman
Randy Jensen
Sujee Jeyapalina
Lisa Joss-Moore
Rob Judson-Torres
Panagiotis Kassavetis
Kensaku Kawamoto
Lindsay Keegan
Joseph Kim
Jace King
Conan Kinsey
Anne Kirchhoff
Vincent Koppelmans
David Krizaj
Kai Kuck
Kristen Kwan
Kent Lai
Tracey Lamb
Scott Langenecker
Amy Lenz
Daniel Leung
Yang Liu
Catherine Loc-Carrillo
Xiaodong Ma
Douglas Mackay
Troy Madsen
Mark Mahan
Andres Maricq
Ursula Martinez
Erin McGlade
Martin McMahon
Michelle Mendoza
Brian Mickey
April Mohanty
Matthew Mulvey
Benjamin Myers
Sama Noroozi Gilandehi
Henrik Odeen
Brock O'Neil
Jennifer Ose
Jessica Osterhout
Joseph Palatinus
Sungjin Park
Dennis Parker
Gen Parkman
Natasha Pavlova
Allison Payne
Nicole Pershing
Marcus Pezzolesi
Vicente Planelles
Abby Pulsipher
Nirupama Ramkumar
Candace Reno-Bernstein
Russell Richardson
Viola Rieke
Aylin Rodan
Matthew Rondina
John Rose
Adrian Rothenfluh
June Round
Jesse Rowley
Jared Rutter
Punam Sawant-Pokam
Mary Beth Scholand
Ankur Shah
Lubdha Shah
Alex Shcheglovitov
Jill Shea
Peter Shen
Sixiang Shi
Yan-Ting Shiu
Sarina Sinclair
Elliot Smith
Eric Snyder
Benjamin Spike
Rodney Stewart
Tammy Stump
Kristina Suorsa-Johnson
Reena Tam
Matthew Thiese
Dimitri Traenkner
Martin Tristani-Firouzi
Eric Tuday
James VanDerslice
Valerie Vaughn
George Vega Yon
Michele Villalobos
Kajsa Vlasic
Michelle Vo
Matt Wachowiak
Katharine Walter
Kristin Warren
Melissa Watt
Taylor Webb
Robert Welsh
Dustin Williams
Megan Williams
Zach Wilson
Yelena Wu
Brandi Wynne
Jun Yang
Moriel Zelikowsky
Jie Zhang
College of Mines & Earth Sciences
Leif Anderson
Brenda Bowen
Juan Carlos de Obeso
Susah Eswarappa Prameela
Jamie Farrell
Sivaraman Guruswamy
Gannet Hallar
Randall Irmis
Cari Johnson
Jim Karner
Steve Krueger
Sarah Lambart
Pete Lippert
Mark Loewen
Daniel Mendoza
Jeffrey Moore
Chadlin (Chad) Ostrander
Kris Pankow
Thomas Reichler
Kathleen Ritterbush
Michael Simpson
Kip Solomon
Alyssa Stansfield
Court Strong
Michael Thorne
Tonie van Dam
Xuming Wang
College of Nursing
Lauri Linder
Rebekah Perkins
Sara Simonsen
Katherine Supiano
Djin Tay
Lisa Taylor-Swanson
College of Pharmacy
Kuby Balagurunathan
Marco Bortolato
Katharine Diehl
Raphael Franzini
Hamid Ghandehari
Shreya Goel
David Grainger
Nitish Khurana
Mei Yee Koh
Jindřich Kopeček
Yue Lu
Shawn Owen
Chris Reilly
Eric Schmidt
Peter West
Karen Wilcox
College of Science
Fred Adler
Maria Alves Constantino
William Anderegg
Luiza Aparecido
John Belz
Connor Bischak
William Brazelton
Benjamin Bromley
Bethany Buck
Sarah Bush
Sophie Caron
Fabienne Chevance
Dale Clayton
Kasey Cole
Kyle Dawson
Shanti Deemyad
Bryn Dentinger
Vikram Deshpande
Colleen Farmer
Regina Frey
James Gagnon
Jordan Gerton
Wesley Hamilton
Ming Hammond
Julie Hollien
Martin Hovarth
Sean Howe
Kelly Hughes
Erik Jorgensen
Selvi Kara
Talia Karasov
Alicia Lamarche
Jae Hung Lee
Anna Little
John Longino
Ryan Looper
Yao-Yuan Mao
Michael McIntosh
Shelley Minteer
Eric Montoya
Matthew Mulvey
John Parkinson
Ekta Patel
Nitin Phadnis
Wayne Potts
Rodolfo Probst
Ragadeepika Pucha
Aaron Puri
Jon Rainier
Jody Reimer
Tom Richmond
Andrew Roberts
Brooks Robyn
Ofer Rog
Andrey Rogachev
Gary Rose
Lisbeth Santana
Caroline Saouma
Cagan Sekercioglu
Mikheal Semaan
Mike Shapiro
Anurag Singh
Ryan Steele
Joshua Steffen
Ryan Stolley
Tim Tribone
Michael Vershinin
Michael Werner
Luisa Whittaker-Brooks
Daniel Wik
Ayako Yamaguchi
Heejin Yoo
Chan Yul Yoo
Yue Zhao
Ilya Zharov
Jingyi Zhu
College of Social & Behavioral Science
Lisa Aspinwall
Brian Baucom
Katie Baucom
Adrian Bell
Tabitha Benney
Cynthia Berg
Shannon Boomgarden
Jared Branch
Andrea Brunelle
Adrienne Cachelin
Juliet Carlisle
Jacqueline (Jackie) Chen
Brett Clark
Larry Coats
Brian Codding
Tim Collins
Elisabeth Conradt
Sarah Creem-Regehr
James Curry
David Curtis
David De Micheli
Philip Dennison
Lisa Diamond
Marissa Diener
Trafton Drew
Frank Drews
Matt Euler
Tyler Faith
Jessie Fan
Rick Forster
Matthew Fry
Lindsay Gezinski
Alex Greenwald
Sara Grineski
Michael Himle
Cory Inman
Akiko Kamimura
Patricia Kerig
Leslie Knapp
Kim Korinek
Lori Kowaleski-Jones
Tom Kraft
Karen Kramer
Andrew Linke
Monika Lohani
Rob Lubeznik-Warner
Shane Macfarlan
Thomas Maloney
Theresa Martinez
Josh McCrain
Amy McDonnell
Heather Melton
Kara Moore
Ella Myers
Rebecca Owen
Brennan Payne
Francisco Perez
Mitchell Power
Lee Raby
Kristina Rand
Megan Reynolds
Sonia Salari
Carol Sansone
Jenn Shah
Jack Silcox
Philip Singer
Sarah Small
Brent Steele
Jeanine Stefanucci
David Strayer
Becky Utz
Susana Velasquez-Franco
Jennifer Watt
Tim Webster
Paul White
Guangzhen Wu
College of Social Work
Tiffany D. Baffour
Sarah Canham
Lindsay Gezinski
Danielle Littman
Alysse Loomis
Undergraduate Studies
Coco James
2021 - 2025
Janae Chandler (Social & Behavioral Science)
Emily Cunningham (Mines & Earth Sciences)
Kasey Cole (Biological Sciences)
Margaret "Maggie" Doolin (Science)
Julia Dunn (Engineering)
Ellie Estrada (Humanities)
Jordan Grammer (Medicine)
Austin Green (Biological Sciences)
Diane Hernandez (Medicine)
Jack Jurmu (Science)
Thomas King (Science)
Dylan Klure (Science)
Nicole Losurdo (Medicine)
Sara LoTemplio (Social & Behavioral Science)
Amy McDonnell (Social & Behavioral Science)
Stella Mosher (Social & Behavioral Science)
Becky Neufeld (Social & Behavioral Science)
Kaedan O’Brien (Social & Behavioral Science)
Connor Olsen (Engineering)
Crystal Sigulinsky (Medicine)
Caleb Thomson (Engineering)
Stefania Wilks (Social & Behavioral Science)