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Home Education & Events Undergraduate Research Education Series (URES)

Undergraduate Research Education Series

Learning beyond the classroom

The Office of Undergraduate Research offers educational events on topics of interest to undergraduate student researchers and their faculty mentors. These events are open to all and are designed specifically with undergraduate students in mind.

The OUR Education Series is a combination of live virtual and, sometimes, hybrid events. Recorded sessions are also available to view on demand.  In person events will be held in Sill 120 (virtual attendance will also be available). Full schedule available below.

Current UROP, Wilkes,  and Early Exploration Scholar students are required to attend 2 events. At least one must be attended live on Zoom or in-person. SPUR scholars are required to attend all live education series offered during the summer.

Attendance for all events are tracked through the completion of the
OUR Education Series Evaluation Form

Research Tracks

Event Format