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Submit to UCUR

    • Name
    • Name of higher education affiliation in the state of Utah
    • Type of session: poster, oral, or performance
    • Mentor information: Name, email, and institutional affiliation.
    • Additional co-presenter names
    • Abstract

    Agree to the following statement: My faculty research mentor/s has/have approved this abstract for submission. If my faculty mentor is not a co-author, I understand that I am responsible for forwarding ALL UCUR-related emails to my faculty mentor. I will be in regular communication with my faculty mentor about my project and UCUR submission.

    • Any undergraduate researcher from Utah higher education institutions are welcome to present at UCUR.
    • (For University of Utah scholars funded by the Office of Undergraduate Research or seeking a research designation: UCUR 2023 will replace the spring Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) and presenting at it will fulfill UROP and URSD requirements).
    • 450 words maximum.
    • References are allowed within abstracts, but are not required.
    • The Reference list does not count towards the word limit.
    • If including images and/or figures, limit them to no more than one page in addition to the abstract text.
    • States the central research question and the purpose of the research.
    • Provides a brief discussion of the research methodology.
    • State conclusions and significance.
    • Well organized.
  • UCUR is closed for Submissions.