Presentations should be aimed at a general audience — the UCUR is an opportunity for students to communicate their research to an audience from a broad range of backgrounds.
Include your institution's logo. (University of Utah students should include the U logo - click here to download a U logo)
Proper attribution: Scholarly presentations (poster, oral, creative or otherwise) should include proper attribution. This means inclusion of co-authors (order agreed upon by co-authors) and/or include an acknowledgement section to recognize those who have supported the project (i.e., funders, people, etc). If students are unsure about attribution (authorship or acknowledgements), the Office of Undergraduate Research encourages students to receive feedback from faculty mentors/research team mentors. For students who receive UROP, SPUR, or Travel and Small grants, research acknowledgement may be found here: https://our.utah.edu/research-scholarship-opportunities/current-scholar-resources/
Poster Presentations
- Poster sessions are held in the Student Union main ballroom.
- Posters can be up to 48 inches wide x 36 inches high (no tri-fold or foam poster boards allowed). Posters larger than 48 inches wide will be too big for the display boards.
- Posters will be attached to fabric display boards with pushpins (provided).
- Poster presenters are responsible for printing their own posters and bringing to the conference.
- Presenters must be at their poster and available to discuss it for the entire session they are assigned.
Poster Prizes
- To be considered for the poster prize, presenters must click here to submit a digital poster (high resolution .jpeg) by February 1st.
- Only in-person presenters are eligible for the poster prizes.
University of Utah Student Resources
- Poster and public speaking recorded workshops
- UNIVERSITY OF UTAH POSTER TEMPLATES (if needed) provided by the Office of Undergraduate Research available at:
- Poster Printing at Marriott Library Knowledge Commons. Please review printing guidelines before submitting poster file.
Oral Presentations should be aimed at a general audience — the UCUR is an opportunity for students to communicate their research to an audience from a broad range of backgrounds.
Proper attribution: Scholarly presentations (poster, oral, creative or otherwise) should include proper attribution. This means inclusion of co-authors (order agreed upon by co-authors) and/or include an acknowledgement section to recognize those who have supported the project (i.e., funders, people, etc). If students are unsure about attribution (authorship or acknowledgements), the Office of Undergraduate Research encourages students to receive feedback from faculty mentors/research team mentors. For students who receive UROP, SPUR, or Travel and Small grants, research acknowledgement may be found here: https://our.utah.edu/research-scholarship-opportunities/current-scholar-resources/
Oral presentations:
- Oral presentations will be held in rooms throughout the Student Union and Alumni House.
- Out of professional courtesy, all presenters and audience are expected to stay for the entire session.
- Oral presentation sessions are 90 minutes with each presenter having 20 minutes (15 minute presentation, 3 minutes for questions, 2 minutes to transition to the next presenter).
- Be considerate of time for other presenters - do not go over.
- Visual aids should be used if at all possible. A projector and screen/TV will be available — presenters are responsible for bringing a laptop and any necessary adapters.
- Students are strongly advised to ensure proper connection to the projector before the oral session begins.
- Presentation schedules will be strictly enforced.
Presentations should be aimed at a general audience — the UCUR is an opportunity for students to communicate their research to an audience from a broad range of backgrounds. Contact the OUR team by January 15 to ensure you are assigned the appropriate space.
Proper attribution: Scholarly presentations (poster, oral, creative or otherwise) should include proper attribution. This means inclusion of co-authors (order agreed upon by co-authors) and/or include an acknowledgement section to recognize those who have supported the project (i.e., funders, people, etc). If students are unsure about attribution (authorship or acknowledgements), the Office of Undergraduate Research encourages students to receive feedback from faculty mentors/research team mentors. For students who receive UROP, SPUR, or Travel and Small grants, research acknowledgement may be found here: https://our.utah.edu/research-scholarship-opportunities/current-scholar-resources/
- Performances may be up to 18 minutes long.
- Upon request at the time of registration for UCUR, the Office of Undergraduate Research will work with performers to arrange for appropriate spaces for music, dance, and theatre performances.
- Performers must provide their own equipment (e.g., instruments, speakers, props, etc.).
Visual Arts
- Visual art presentations or exhibits may choose to present in the oral or poster sessions (see above for details).
- Upon request at the time of registration for the UCUR, the Office of Undergraduate Research will work with visual artists to arrange for appropriate spaces for exhibition of students’ work.
View for the OUR Undergraduate Research Education Series workshops:
- Writing Abstracts; Writing Abstracts handout
- Creating Effective Research Posters
- Data Visualization and Research Posters - Part 1
- Data Visualization and Research Posters - Part 2
- Public Speaking
- Proper attribution: Scholarly presentations (poster, oral, creative or otherwise) should include proper attribution. This means inclusion of co-authors (order agreed upon by co-authors) and/or include an acknowledgement section to recognize those who have supported the project (i.e., funders, people, etc). If students are unsure about attribution (authorship or acknowledgements), the Office of Undergraduate Research encourages students to receive feedback from faculty mentors/research team mentors. For students who receive UROP, SPUR, or Travel and Small grants, research acknowledgement may be found here: https://our.utah.edu/research-scholarship-opportunities/current-scholar-resources/
All virtual presentations will be available to view on the OUR Symposium website beginning at 9:00am the day of the event. Virtual presenters have already been confirmed - presenters may not switch to virtual.
Proper attribution: Scholarly presentations (poster, oral, creative or otherwise) should include proper attribution. This means inclusion of co-authors (order agreed upon by co-authors) and/or include an acknowledgement section to recognize those who have supported the project (i.e., funders, people, etc). If students are unsure about attribution (authorship or acknowledgements), the Office of Undergraduate Research encourages students to receive feedback from faculty mentors/research team mentors. For students who receive UROP, SPUR, or Travel and Small grants, research acknowledgement may be found here: https://our.utah.edu/research-scholarship-opportunities/current-scholar-resources/
Upon submission, you will be asked to upload a POSTER, ORAL, or CREATIVE RESEARCH presentation. See guidelines below:
Virtual poster presenters are required to submit the following by February 1:
1) high resolution .jpg file (300 dpi) upload of your poster AND
2) an audio recording upload of your 3-5 minute presentation OR a link to a YouTube video of your 3-5 minute presentationUniversity of Utah Poster Templates (if needed) provided by the Office of Undergraduate Research available at:
- View Templates in Powerpoint.
- Marriott Library's Webpage
- Research Poster Design Site with the Spence S. Eccles Health Library.
Virtual oral presenters are required to submit the following by February 1:
1) .pdf file upload of your presentation slides AND
2) a link to a YouTube video of your 15 minute presentation - narrated slides or a video of you presenting your slidesCREATIVE RESEARCH PRESENTERS
Creative research presenters are required to submit the following by February 1:
Option 1.
1) link to a YouTube video of your performance, up to 15 minutes long AND
2) an artist’s statement, up to 2000 characters longOption 2.
1) high resolution .jpg file upload (300 dpi) containing your works of visual art AND
2) an artist’s statement, up to 2000 characters long -