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Check out the coverage of the week of undergraduate research activities – Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awards Ceremony and the Undergraduate Research Symposium.
View the 2022 Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awards Ceremony Program.
Office of Undergraduate Research Award Programs
University of Utah Undergraduate Student Researchers in the News
- 2022 - Thaiss Del Rio (Prof. Annie Fukushima) - U Alumni Stories
- 2022 - Jessica Schmidt and Maren Curtis (Prof. Lori Lori Kowaleski-Jones) - Connect to Collect mentioned in the February 8 White House Press Conference
- 2020 - Ember Chadwick - Air Quality: Science for Solutions Virtual Conference Poster Award Recipient
- 2020 - Caroline Ramous - Barbara A. Horwitz And John M. Horowitz Undergraduate Research Award Recipient
- 2018 - Brianna Milot - How a ‘waterwise’ ornamental plant has taken over Wasatch foothills
- 2015 - Hannah Hendrickson - U Students Develop Electronic Device to Help Homeless Patients Remember Medical Appointments
- 2015 - Ben Fasoli & Luke Leclair-Marzolf (Profs. Logan Mitchell, Erik Crosman, John Horel & John Lin) - Students using TRAX for more than commuting
- 2015 - Jason Chen - Meet the Graduates: Jason Chen
- 2015 - Tara Streng - Honors student’s thesis wins honorable mention
- 2015 - Erin Olschewski - Real Food Campus
- 2015 - Sam Katz - U student creates documentary to highlight life of the father of digital audio recording
- 2015 - Undergraduates study wildlife in Red Butte Canyon with camera traps
- 2015 - U students to complete first undergraduate novel writing course of its kind in the nation
Scholarly Presentations & Publications with Undergraduate Student Authors
- Alejandra A. Mendez (Prof. Matthew Mulvey) - Hancock SJ, Lo AW, Ve T, Day CJ, Tan L, Mendez AA, Phan M-D, Nhu NTK, Peters KM, Richards AC, Fleming BA, Forde BM, Haselhorst T, Goh KGK, Beatson SA, Jennings MP, Mulvey MA, Kobe B, Schembri MA (2022). Fine-tuning of Ucl fimbriae expression modulates extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli gut colonization. PLoS Pathog. 18(6):e1010582. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010582. PMID: 35700218. PMCID: PMC9236248. https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.1010582
- Sohyun Park (Prof. Annie Isabel Fukushima) - Park, S. Graphic Designer. 2022. Utah Statewide Needs Assessment: Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking - 2022 Report by AI Fukushima. Salt Lake City, UT: Gender-Based Violence Consortium, University of Utah.
- Thaiss Del Rio Sanchez (Prof. Annie Isabel Fukushima) - Del Rio Sanchez, T. 2022. More than a status. @theU.
- Natalie Caylor (Prof. Valerie Greer) - Caylor N, Greer V. 2022. Virtual Photovoice Gallery: Experiences of Aging in Place During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Website.
- Moala Solomone-Halaeua (Prof. Annie Isabel Fukushima) - Solomone-Halaeua, M. 2022. Rape Culture & Sexual Violence in Pacific Islander Communities: An Oral History Project. Gender-Based Violence Consortium.
- Tiare Mitchell (Prof. Angela Robinson) - The Intergenerational Effects of Hawaiian Sovereignty. Website.
- Veronica Lukasinski (Prof. Annie Fukushima) - Fukushima A.I., Lukasinski V., Gonzalez-Pons K. 2022. The Coordinated Community Response to Non-Fatal Strangulation in Intimate Partner Violence: A Pilot Program. Utah Women's Health Review.
- Linda Derhak, Samuel Bey, Zahra Saifee (Prof. Tabitha Benney) - Benney T, Cantwell D, Singer P, Derhak L, Bey S, Saifee Z. 2021. Understanding Perceptions of Health Risk and Behavioral Responses to Air Pollution in the State of Utah (USA). Atmosphere 12.
- Jessica E. Schmidt (Prof. Lori Kowaleski-Jones) - Kowaleski-Jones L, Schmidt J, Magill M, Najera V, Waitzman N, McDonald G, House A, McFarland M. 2022. Believing the Messenger: The Influence of Trust on the Likelihood of Low-Income Clients Accepting Tax Support Services in the United States - a Scoping Review Protocol. Open Science Framework, w9pey.
- Grayson A. Hull (Prof. Owen Chan) - Farhat R, Aiken J, D'Souza N, Appadurai D, Hull G, Simonson E, Liggins RT, Riddell MC and Chan O. 2022. ZT-01 - A Novel Somatostatin Receptor Antagonist for Restoring the Glucagon Response to Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism (In Press)
- Nicholas Knight (Prof. Owen Chan) - Sejling A-S, Wang P, Zhu W, Farhat R, Knight N, Appadurai D, Chan O. 2021. Repeated Activation of β2-Adrenergic Receptors in the Ventromedial Hypothalamus Suppresses the Counterregulatory Responses to Hypoglycemia. Endocrinol 162(3):1-11.
- Levi Neely (Prof. Owen Chan) - Farhat R, de Santana-Van Vliet E, Su G, Neely L, Benally T and Chan O. 2021. Carvedilol Prevents Impairment of the Counterregulatory Response in Recurrently Hypoglycemic Diabetic Rats. Endocrinol, Diabetes and Metab 4(2):e00226.
- Forest Streeter, Jacob Hudac, Austin Goodwin, Ashlee Roberts (Prof. Aylin Rodan) - Pleinis J, Jonusaite S, Beebe K, Morrison D, Streeter F, Hudac J, Goodwin A, Roberts A, Schellinger J, Rothenfluh A, Rodan A. 2022. The bestrophin-1 chloride channel is required in the Malpighian tubules and hindgut for osmoregulation in response to high salt diet Genetics Society of America, Annual Drosophila Research Conference (Poster), San Diego, CA.
- Vista Marston (Prof. Thomas Henderson) - David Sacharny, Thomas C. Henderson and Vista Marston. On-Demand Virtual Highways for Dense UAS Operations. IEEE Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration, Karlsruhe, Germany, 23-25 September, 2021.
- Justin Krier (Prof. Michael Thorne) - Krier J., Thorne, M.S., Leng, K., Nissen-Meyer, T. 2021. A compositional component to the Samoa ultralow-velocity zone revealed through 2- and 3-D waveform modeling of SKS and SKKS differential travel-times and amplitudes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126, doi: 10.1029/2021JB021897
- Melina Lewis (Prof. Lauri Linder) - Carney, K. M. B., Jung, S. H., Iacob, E., Lewis, M., & Linder, L. A. (2021). Communication of Pain by School-Age Children with Cancer Using a Game-Based Symptom Assessment App: A Secondary Analysis. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 101949.
- Connor Simper and Jacob Razzouk (Prof. Jessica L King) - King JL, Simper S, Razzouk J, Merten JW. The impact of varying warning color on e-cigarette advertisements: Results from an online experiment among young adults. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Online first. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntab043
- Jacob Hudac, Austin Goodwin, and Forest Streeter (Prof. Aylin Rodan) - 29. Rodan AR, Pleinis J, Jonusaite S, Hudac J, Goodwin A, Zhang F, Sosa-Pagan J, Streeter F, Rothenfluh A. 2020. The chloride channel Bestrophin-1 acts in the Malpighian tubule and hindgut of Drosophila melanogaster to maintain salt and water balance. Experimental Biology (Abstract). FASEB J 34 (S1): 1-1.
- Bernard Li (Prof. Julio Facelli) - Wang Y, Li B, Gouripeddi R, Facelli JC. Human activity pattern implications for modeling SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2020 Dec 8;199:105896. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105896. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33326924; PMCID: PMC7722504.
- Laura C. Ziegler (Prof. Michael Pritz) - Pritz MB, Ziegler LC, Thompson TN, Hsu EW. In press. Magnetic resonance diffusion tensor tractography of a midbrain auditory circuit in Alligator. Neuroscience Letters.
- Annelise Murphy (Prof. Samantha Joel) - Murphy, A., Joel, S., Muise, A. 2019. A Prospective Investigation of the Decision to Open Up a Romantic Relationship. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
- Morgan Arseneau (Prof. Lisa Taylor-Swanson) - Arseneau, M., Taylor-Swanson, L. 2019. Social Media Discussions of Menopause. Sex & Gender in Women's Health Research, University of Utah, May.
- Kaden Plewe (Prof. Amanda Smith) - Fallahi Z, Plewe K, Smith AD. 2018. Energy-related emissions from commercial buildings: Comparing methods for quantifying temporal indirect emissions associated with electricity purchases. Sustainable Energy Technologies & Assessments, 30, 150-163.
- Gemma G. Clark (Prof. Jennifer Weidhaas) - Clark GG, Jamal R, Weidhaas J. 2019. Roofing material and irrigation frequency influence microbial risk from consuming homegrown lettuce irrigated with harvested rainwater. Science of the Total Environment, 651, 1011-1019.
- Rebecca Higham (Prof. Akiko Kamimura) - Higham R, Panahi S, Howard SR, Puerto E, Evensen MA, Pye M, Ashby J, Kamimura A. 2018. Stress Management Classes for Uninsured Free Clinic Patients in the United States. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care. 15(4): 184-189.
- Tyler McDaniel (Prof. Erin Castro) - McDaniel, Tyler (2018) "Using Random Forests to Describe Equity in Higher Education: A Critical Quantitative Analysis of Utah’s Postsecondary Pipelines," Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research: Vol. 4 , Article 10.
- Glory Stanton (Prof. William Smith) - Stanton G. 2018. ‘Black Men Matter!’: Understanding the Biopsychosocial Effects of Educated Black Men Living in Predominately White Communities. Utah Public Health Association Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, April.
- Van Nguyen (Prof. Taylor D. Sparks) - Fuertez J, Nguyen V, Adams DJ, McLennan JD, Han KB, Sparks TD. 2017. Optimization of Biogenic Methane Production from Coal. International Journal of Coal Geology, 183, 14-24. DOI.
- Richard Baokye & Austin Gottschalk (Prof. Taylor D. Sparks) - Fuertez J, Baokye R, Gottschalk A, Adams J, McLennan J, Sparks TD. 2017. Developing Methanogenic Microbial Consortia from Diverse Coal Sources and Environments. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 46, 637-650. DOI.
- Thomas Wilenski (Prof. Taylor D. Sparks) - Nagaoka A, Han KB, Misra S, Wilenski T, Sparks TD, Scarpulla MA. 2017. Growth and characterization of arsenic doped CdTe single crystals grown by Cd-solvent traveling heater method. Journal of Crystal Growth, 467, 6-11. DOI.
- Brent Young (Prof. Franz Goller) - Young BK, Mindlin GB, Arneodo E, Goller F. 2017. Adult zebra finches rehearse highly variable song patterns during sleep. PeerJ 5:e4052.
- Darlene Castro (Prof. Jane Hatter) - Castro, D. 2017. The Sound and the Fusae: Notation as a Means of Time Travel. Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Chapter for the American Musicological Society, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, April.
- Abbie Ireland (Prof. Trudy Oliver) - Mollaoglu G, Guthrie MR, Böhm S, Brägelmann J, Can I, Ballieu P, Marx A, George J, Heinen C, Chalishazar M, Cheng H, Ireland AS, Denning KE, Mukhopadhyay A, Vahrenkamp JM, Berrett KC, Mosbruger TL, Wang J, Kohan JL, Salama ME, Witt BL, Peifer M, Thomas RK, Gertz J, Johnson JE, Gazdar AF, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Sos ML, Oliver TG. 2017. MYC Drives Progression of Small Cell Lung Cancer to a Variant Neuroendocrine Subtype with Vulnerability to Aurora Kinase Inhibition. Cancer Cell. 31(2): 270-285.
- Clayton Booth (Prof. Akiko Kamimura) – Booth C, Nourian MM, Weaver S, Gull B, Kamimura A. 2017. Policy and social Factors influencing diabetes among Pima Indians in Arizona, USA. Public Policy and Administration Research. 7(3): 35-39.
- Shannon Weaver (Prof. Akiko Kamimura) – Weaver S, Mwng H-W, Ashby J, Kamimura, A. 2017. A direct observation study of health education classes for Uninsured Primary Care Patients. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care. 14(2): 87-92.
- Shannon Weaver (Prof. Akiko Kamimura) - Weaver S, Ashby J, Kamimura A. 2017. Self-reported diagnosis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes among uninsured primary care patients. Health Services Research & Managerial Epidemiology. DOI: 10.1177/2333392816689528.
- Sarah Patterson (Prof. Danielle Endres) - Patterson S. 2017. Ute Nickname Research Project: The Rhetoric Surrounding the University of Utah’s Nickname on Social Media and its Influence on Representation of the Northern Ute Nation. Western States Communication Association Undergraduate Scholars Research Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, February.
- Patrick E. Nichols (Prof. Taylor D. Sparks) - Nichols PE, Bates JS, Sparks TD. 2016. Exploration of Polytetrafluoroethylene as a Potential Material Replacement for Hemodialysis Applications. MRS Advances: 1-7. DOI.
- Megan A. Adams (Prof. Taylor D. Sparks) - Bates JS, Adams MA, Sparks TD. 2016. Investigation of Rice as an Absorbent and Degradable Material for Personal Hygiene Applications. SM J Eng Sci, 1(1) 1001. DOI.
- Benjamin Gilmore (Prof.Taylor D. Sparks) - Gilmore B, Roberts K, Fisher G, Sparks TD. 2016. Cyclic delamination rates in fiber backed fluoropolymer linings. International Conference on Plastic Welding and Joining, AWS New Orleans, April 25-27. DOI.
- Garrett Meeks & Jason Dalton (Prof.Taylor D. Sparks) - Meeks G, Dalton J, Sparks TD, Shetty DK. 2016. A functionally-graded carbide in the Ta-C system. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99, [2], 392-394. DOI.
- Zixiao Liu (Prof. Taylor D. Sparks) - Ghadbeigi L, Liu Z, Sparks TD, Virkar AV. 2016. Synthesis of Ion Conducting Sodium Zirconium Gallate + Yttria- Stabilized Zirconia by a Vapor Phase Process. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 163, [8], A1560-A1565. DOI.
- Tara Streng (Prof. Akiko Kamimura) - Streng TK, Kamimura A. 2016. Perceptions of university policies to prevent sexual assault among college students in the United States. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. DOI: 10.1007/s13178-016-0245-x.
- Tamara Stephens (Prof. Akiko Kamimura) - Stephens T, Kamimura A, Yamawaki N, Bhattacharya H, Mo W, Birkholz R, Makomenaw A, Olson LM. 2016. Rape myth acceptance among college students in the United States, Japan and India. Sage Open. DOI: 10.1177/2158244016675015.
- John Ludlum (Prof. Jerry Root) - Ludlum J. 2016. The Legend of Theophilus and the Rothko Chapel: the Animation of Religious Images in the Pursuit of God. Second Annual Student Research Symposium on the History of the Book, Utah State University, Logan, Utah.
- Emma Martin (Prof. Jerry Root) - Martin E. 2016. Medieval Perspectives in Religious and Secular Contexts: the Legend of Theophilus and the Romance of the Rose. Second Annual Student Research Symposium on the History of the Book, Utah State University, Logan, Utah.
- Carter Pruetz (Prof. Jerry Root) - Pruetz C. 2016. Material Objects as Divine Intermediaries. Second Annual Student Research Symposium on the History of the Book, Utah State University, Logan, Utah.
- Phuong Vy Doan (Prof. Shelley Minteer) - Hickey DP, Schielder DA, Matanovic I, Atanassov P, Minteer SD, Sigman MS. 2015. Predicting Electrocatalytic Properties: Modeling Structure-Activity Relationships of Nitroxyl Radicals. Journal of the American Chemical Society 16179-16186.
- Jamison Gordon (Prof. Bradley Katz) - Hoggan R, Blair S, Digre KB, Baggaley SK, Gordon J, Brennan KC, Warner J, Crum A, Katz BJ. 2016. Thin film optical notch filter spectacle coatings for the treatment of migraine and photophobia. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 28:71-76.
- Tara Streng (Prof. Akiko Kamimura) - Streng TK, Kamimura A. 2015. Sexual assault prevention and reporting on college campuses in the US: A review of policies and recommendations. Journal of Education and Practice 6, 65-71.
- Molly Pace (Prof. Akiko Kamimura) - Pace M, Al-Obaydi S, Nourian MM, Kamimura A. 2015. Health services for refugees in the United States: Policies and recommendations. Public Policy and Administration Research 5, 63-68.
- Nicholas Warren (Prof. Akiko Kamimura) - Warren N, Kamimura A, Trinh H, Stephens E, Omi K, Kanaoka A, Ishikawa A, Yamanaka K. 2015. Perceptions of aging and disability among college students in Japan. Journal of Education and Practice 6, 52-60.
- Margaret Carlson (Prof. Akiko Kamimura) - Carlson M, Kamimura A, Nguyen H, Yamawaki N, Bhattacharya H, Trinh HN, Mo W, Birkholz R, Makomenaw A, Olson LM. 2015. Perceptions of violence against women among college students in the United States, Japan, India, Vietnam and China. Public Policy and Administration Research 5, 82-92.
- Jasmine Bishop (Prof. Shanti Deemyad) - Schaeffer, A. M., Temple, S. R., Bishop, J. K. & Deemyad, S. 2015. High-pressure superconducting phase diagram of 6Li: Isotope effects in dense lithium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 60-64.
- Scott Temple, William Talmadge (Prof. Shanti Deemyad) - Schaeffer, A. M. J., Talmadge, W. B., Temple, S. R. & Deemyad, S. 2012. High Pressure Melting of Lithium. Physical Review Letters 109, 185702.
- Luke Whitson, Kelan Albertson, Nathan Hickerson, Patrick Nichols, Bethany Larson (Prof. Jeff Bates) - Bates JS, Whitson LR, Albertson KM, Hickerson NS, Nichols PE, Larson BE, Sparks TD. 2015. Molecular Imprinted Hydrogels in Drug Delivery Applications. MRS Proceedings 1-6.
- Tyler Trueax (Prof. Mathieu Francoeur) - Edalatpour M, Trueax T, Francoeur M. 2015. Computational near-field radiative heat transfer: Convergence analysis of the thermal discrete dipole approximation using the exact solution for two spheres. ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.
- Hannah Durkee (Prof. Frank Brown) - Durkee H, Brown FH. 2014. Correlation of volcanic ash layers between the Early Pleistocene Acheulean sites of Isinya, Kariandusi, and Olorgesailie, Kenya. Journal of Archaeological Science 49, 510-517.
- Erica L. Armstrong (Prof. Craig Bryan) - Armstrong EL, Bryan CJ, Stephenson JA, Bryan AO, Morrow CE. 2014. Warzone stressor exposure, unit cohesion, and emotional distress among U.S. Air Force pararescuemen. Journal of Special Operations Medicine 26-34.
- Sydney Willis (Prof. Caren Frost) - Frost CJ, Willis SK. 2014. Impact of the ACA on women's reproductive health. Affordable Care Act Lecture Series, College of Social Work, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Tyler Cheney (Prof. Craig Bryan) - Cheney T, Bryan CJ, Bryan AO, Morrow CE, Stephenson, JA. 2014. Childhood familial closeness as a protective factor of PTSD in a military population. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association (Poster), Salt Lake City, UT.
- Amber Magbuhat (Prof. Craig Bryan) - Magbuhat AD, Bryan AO, Stephenson JA, Morrow CE, Bryan CJ. 2014. An exploration of caffeine use among U.S. Air Force pararescumen. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association (Poster), Salt Lake City, UT.
- Corey Miller (Prof. Rajasekaran N. Soorappan) - Miller CJ, Gounder SS, Kannan S, Goutam K, Muthusamy VR, Firpo MA, Symons JD, Paine R, Hoidal JR, Rajasekaran NS. 2012. Disruption of Nrf2/ARE signaling impairs antioxidant mechanisms and promotes cell degradation pathways in aged skeletal muscle. Biochem. Biophys. Acta- Molecular Basis of Disease 1822: 1038-1050.
- Kyle H. Sabey (Prof. Norman Hu) - Hu N, Sabey KH, Curtis HR, Hoang N, Dowdle SB, Garzarelli AA, Buswell HR, Dibella E, Yockman JW, Bull DA. 2012. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assessment of ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction in rabbits. Comparative Medicine 62: 116-123.
- Kyle H. Sabey (Prof. Norman Hu) - Hu N, Straub CM, Garzarelli AA, Sabey KH, Yockman JW, Bull DA. 2010. Ligation of the left circumflex coronary artery with subsequent MRI and histopathology in rabbits. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 49: 838-844.