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Home Research Advising Getting Started

Getting Started

In 4 easy steps!

Step 1. Connect with the Office

Elective Research Advising
  • Meet with our Undergraduate Research Leader, a peer mentor, at any point in your undergraduate research career. Visit to learn more.
  • Need help coming up with an idea for a project, identifying potential faculty mentors, communicating with mentors, advice about applying for an opportunity, or preparing for a presentation on your research? Meet an OUR staff or peer-mentor.
Attend a Funding Friday.
  • Funding Fridays offer peer-mentoring and OUR staff support on how to get started with applying for OUR funds. Drop-in during the workshop hours to receive support on your applications.
Attend the IRB Lab
  • IRB Lab offers peer-mentoring and OUR staff support on how to get started with applying for Institutional Review Board approval. Drop-in during the workshop hours to receive support on your applications.

Step 2. Find Opportunities

Attend a Research Tour
  • Sign Up for a Tour: Discover innovative work being done in fields like theater, social work, geology, engineering, and more.
Search for opportunities
Apply for Research Funding with The Office of Undergraduate Research
Connect with a University of Utah Professor

Step 3. Build Skills & Knowledge

Step 4. Stay Up-to-Date

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