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Key Partner Program

Year: 2023

Presenter Name: Megan Allred

Utah's Bear River Region (BRR; Box Elder, Cache, and Rich Counties) has seen a disproportionate increase of unsheltered individuals, up 400% from 2017-2019 (1). When a person is unable to afford their rent and is evicted, finding safe and affordable housing is harried by the high demand for housing, the lack of available housing (1), the absence of a comprehensive emergency shelter, and insufficient homeless response systems (2). Thus, homeless prevention and intervention efforts are vital to addressing homelessness. Landlords are important actors in housing issues, and they can contribute by learning about homelessness locally, ways to support high-risk renters, how to avoid evictions when possible, and supporting homeless mitigation programs in their community (3). Past research indicates that landlords in the BRR want to help address homelessness, but they do not know how to help (3). Using a qualitative design, the present study sought to understand program content and delivery methods preferred by landlords or property managers (n=15) in an engagement program about homelessness and housing solutions. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather data. A deductive, two-cycle coding approach (descriptive coding and pattern coding) was adopted to analyze the data. Final patterns informed the development of an online course as part of the larger landlord engagement program, called the Key Partner Program (KPP), which includes: Information about homelessness in the BRR; Homeless resources in the BRR and how and why to access them; Interpersonal skills and landlord-tenant mediation training; and Problem-solving techniques to prevent evictions. Participants desired a combination delivery method - online and in-person. Landlords communicated that they would be interested in a program like this, and a gift card would also help incentivise participation. The online course of KPP is currently being piloted with local landlords, with hopes to roll out a full engagement program in Summer 2023. Using a qualitative design, the present study sought to understand program content and delivery methods preferred by landlords or property managers (n=15) in an engagement program about homelessness and housing solutions. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather data. A deductive, two-cycle coding approach (descriptive coding and pattern coding) was adopted to analyze the data. Final patterns informed the development of an online course as part of the larger landlord engagement program, called the Key Partner Program (KPP), which includes: Information about homelessness in the BRR;
Homeless resources in the BRR and how and why to access them;
Interpersonal skills and landlord-tenant mediation training; and
Problem-solving techniques to prevent evictions. Participants desired a combination delivery method - online and in-person. Landlords communicated that they would be interested in a program like this, and a gift card would also help incentivise participation. The online course of KPP is currently being piloted with local landlords, with hopes to roll out a full engagement program in Summer 2023.
University / Institution: Utah State University
Type: Oral
Format: In Person
SESSION D (3:30-5:00PM)
Area of Research: Humanities
Faculty Mentor: Jayme Walters
Location: Union Building, PANORAMA EAST (3:30pm)