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Creating Universal Caddisfly Rearing Enclosures for in Lab Use

Year: 2023

Presenter Name: Danyon Gedris

Several methods have been used to rear caddisfly larvae over the many years they've been studied. This means that the ways and means are diverse. However, most studies have relied on the creation of custom aquarium tanks or flow chambers and provide few specifics about how to construct their enclosures. Also, since every study has its own objectives and hypotheses to test, the tanks made often are tailored to the experiment instead of being universal in scope. This means that future projects like the ones being worked on in the Frandsen Lab require additional time and resources to create new tanks. Current projects in the lab focus on using these caddisfly larvae in experiments outside of their tanks. Consequently, efforts to create aquarium tanks for rearing have focused on making optimal living conditions instead of tailoring the tanks to the experiment. So far 3 proposed tanks are being tested: simple aquariums using air stones to introduce dissolved oxygen, a lab stream that cools the water and provides a sterile stream like environment, and flow inducing aquariums that use the aeration to introduce directed flow into the system. This research aims to find the optimal conditions that will allow caddisfly larvae to live through all 5 instars and emerge. In addition to simply replicating what past studies have done, the goal is to make an easily replicable lab enclosure so future research can rear caddisflies without the hassle of adapting every tank to the needs of the experiment. Preliminary results have found that the caddisflies of the families Helicopsychidae, Limnephilidae, Brachycentrus and Leptoceridae survive well in simple aquarium tanks. Hydropsychidae thrive more often in the flow inducing aquariums where they can produce their nets to collect organic material moving in the tank. The simulated stream so far has not been favorable for any caddisflies retrieved from the wild.
University / Institution: Brigham Young University
Type: Poster
Format: In Person
Presentation #B81
SESSION B (10:45AM-12:15PM)
Area of Research: Science & Technology
Faculty Mentor: Paul Frandsen