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Funding & Recognition

Beckman Scholars

Project description

The College of Science is proud to bring the Beckman Scholars Program, supported by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, back to the University of Utah!

This generous institutional award, provided by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation to the University of Utah College of Science, spans three years (2020 – 2023), and will enable the funded support of six scholar–faculty mentor pairs. Each internally selected scholar will receive a $21,000 research stipend to facilitate 15-months of mentored research (nine academic calendar months, two three-month summers), in addition to $5,000 provided for the mentor-directed research.

Student Role: The Beckman Scholars Program is a 15-month mentored research experience for exceptional undergraduate students in chemistry, biological sciences, or interdisciplinary combinations thereof.
Opportunity Type: mentored research
Opportunity Location Type: In Person
Is this a paid opportunity: Yes