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Biomaterials and Surface Modification for Improving the Efficacy and Longevity of Implantable Medical Devices

Faculty Mentor: Sujee Jeyapalina
Title: Assistant Professor
College: Medicine
School / Department: Surgery

Project description

Our lab is focused on improving the efficacy and longevity of a variety of implantable medical devices. Specifically, many of these devices are utilized in plastic surgery, orthopaedic, and dental clinics. Current studies involve the use of various biomaterials and/or device surface modifications to enhance tissue integration, thereby minimizing chronic inflammatory responses and incidences of infection. We use computer modeling, cell culture, and animal studies to methodically test our research aims.

Student Role: Students will have the ability to sample various research methodologies before choosing an independent project based on their personal interests.
Student Benefits: Develop practical research experience and critical thinking abilities. Significant contributions may result in inclusion in various publications. Direct mentorship provided.
Project Duration: Must commit to 10+ hours per week in the lab. Individual project lengths vary (typically 1-3 years), but students can transition to new project when current one is complete.
Opportunity Type: Volunteer; Prepare a UROP proposal; Write an Honors Thesis; Earn independent study creditBiomaterials and Surface Modification for Improving the Efficacy and Longevity of Implantable Medical Devices
Is this a paid opportunity: No
Minimum Requirements: Commit to 10+ hours per week for a minimum of 1 year. We also strongly encourage students to apply for UROP scholarship funding, and will provide guidance when applying.