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Radiation therapy-induced toxicities and clinical outcomes in head and neck cancer patients

Faculty Mentor: Anita Peoples
Title: Research Assistant Professor
College: Medicine
School / Department: Population Health Sciences

Project description

Radiation therapy causes significant side effects among head and neck cancer patients, such as difficulty swallowing, mouth sores, and pain, which can result in disability, poor quality of life, and increased mortality. Thus, for this study, we will examine radiation therapy-induced side effects via patient-reported questionnaires in head and neck cancer patients. We will also examine if these radiation therapy-induced side effects differ by factors such as age and gender, as well as their associations with survival.

Student Role: The student will assist in the conduct of the study, such as getting questionnaires completed by head and neck cancer patients during their Radiation Oncology clinic visit.
Student Benefits: Great clinical/research experience; opportunity to interact with a multidisciplinary team of heath care providers and researchers; and contribute to a scientific publication.
Project Duration: The project duration would be approximately 12 months, with approximately 15-20 hours per week.
Opportunity Type: Volunteer; Prepare a UROP proposal
Is this a paid opportunity: No
Minimum Requirements: We are looking for a highly motivated and responsible student with good communication skills as well as basic knowledge in sciences, medicine or epidemiology.