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Home Research & Scholarship Opportunities Scholarship Opportunities Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters Scholarship

Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters Scholarship

The Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters (UASAL) was founded in 1908 “to promote investigations and diffuse knowledge in all areas of science.” In 1933 UASAL expanded to include arts and letters and now supports scholarly work from fine arts to physics through our annual conference and peer-reviewed journal.

This scholarship is available to students at the University of Utah who are engaging in a research study with a faculty mentor in the fall and early spring semesters, with the intention to present their work at the UASAL Annual Conference (held in March each year at a different member institution). This scholarship includes UASAL conference registration, travel accommodations (if needed), poster printing (if needed), a $250 stipend to support the student’s research work in the preceding fall semester, and $250 additional compensation for the faculty mentor.

  • This scholarship is open to any student at the University of Utah who is working on a research study with a faculty member with the intent to present original scholarly work at the Annual Conference of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters. Students must be enrolled at the University of Utah during the semester of the conference. Priority will be given to undergraduate students who have taken LEAP or Quest courses at the University of Utah previously, or are registered for a fall semester Quest course. Graduate students and students from other programs may also apply.

  • Submit application form, name of faculty mentor, and a short description of the planned research study.

    Application Opens: March 1st
    Deadline to Apply: May 31st
    Notification of Award: July 31st

    Scholarship begins at the start of the fall semester.

    Apply Here