Presentation description
Gas around star-forming galaxies can be affected by many physical processes, such as gravitational infall, photo-ionization, shock heating, radiative cooling, and star formation feedback, encoding information about galaxy formation and evolution. To guide the observational probe of the circum-galactic medium, we investigate the gas distribution around star-forming galaxies in a hydrodynamic galaxy formation simulation. The quantities to be studied include gas temperature, gas velocity, and neutral hydrogen density. We aim at developing analytic descriptions of the spatial distribution of these quantities, which will be used to create models for interpreting observations (such as diffuse Lyman-alpha emission).
Presenter Name: Nathan Mansfield
Presentation Type: Poster
Presentation Format: In Person
Presentation #65
College: Science
School / Department: Physics & Astronomy
Research Mentor: Zheng Zheng
Time: 11:00 AM
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