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Using a Clustering Algorithm to Check Quasars in The DESI Catalog to Identify Objects in Need of further Verification of Redshift.

Semester: Spring 2024

Presentation description

The goal of this project is to group quasar spectra together using a clustering algorithm that will determine how closely related each spectrum is to every other spectrum and whether they belong to the same category or not. There will also be outliers that are different enough to be in smaller clusters or to not cluster with other spectra at all. These will be the objects that we are most concerned about, as they likely have been identified with the wrong redshift.

Presenter Name: Russell Moore
Presentation Type: Poster
Presentation Format: In Person
Presentation #B28
College: Science
School / Department: Physics & Astronomy
Research Mentor: Kyle Dawson
Date | Time: Tuesday, Apr 9th | 10:45 AM