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Artificial Muscle (Finite Element Analysis) and Material Testing

Faculty Mentor: Nicholas Witham
Title: Graduate Student
College: Engineering
School / Department: Bioengineering

Project description

Twisted coiled polymer actuators (TCPAs) are an emergent type of thermomotive artificial muscle that have biomechanically surpassed human skeletal muscles (HSM). We want to use documented material properties to computationally model their thermomechanical response. We will then use this knowledge to optimize the control schema for our ideal actuator.

Student Role: Finite Element Analyst
Student Benefits: Possible publication authorship, conference attendance, and patent ownership
Project Duration: Duration: Fall 2022, hours per week 8
Opportunity Type: Prepare a UROP proposal; Write an Honors Thesis or Senior Thesis; Earn independent study credit; Volunteer; This is a work-study research position
Is this a paid opportunity: No
Minimum Requirements: Skilled in: Matlab, Solidworks, Finite Element Analysis
Materials science: Thermal, Electrical, and Mechanical