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3D Printing of Soft Robots, Biomedical Devices and Electronics

Faculty Mentor: Yong Lin Kong
Title: Assistant Professor
College: Engineering
School / Department: Mechanical Engineering

Project description

A wide range of potential projects are available on 3D printing: please check out:

Student Role: These can be tailored based on the student's interest: potential roles include and not limited to device design, literature, experiments & potentially leading a mini project.
Student Benefits: Laboratory research experience, experimental planning, 3D printing, team work, potential to co-author research journal publications if the contribution is significant.
Project Duration: This can be discussed and tailored based on student's goal and interest. As a guideline, a successful student typically spends 10 hours or more per week on the project.
Opportunity Type: Volunteer; This is a work-study research position; Prepare a UROP proposal; Write an Honors Thesis; Earn independent study credit
Is this a paid opportunity: No
Minimum Requirements: If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact with your CV and academic transcript.