My research focuses on personal data. I design and build systems to address the challenges of dealing with unified personal data. To inform the design of my systems and to demonstrate their utility, I develop approaches for interpreting personal data, I create applications that leverage personal data, and I conduct user studies to understand the perspectives of users and application developers.
At the beginning of the project, I will work closely with the student to ensure they have a solid footing with respect to the project. I will introduce them to the basics of conducting semi-structured interviews, and practice these activities with them. As the summer progresses, I plan to support the student in gradually developing independence with respect to the research project.
Early in the project, I expect that we will meet at least twice per week to discuss the project, addressing barriers and deciding on next steps. I also expect that they will work closely with my doctoral student on the project, and that they will be meeting daily.
By completing this project, the student will gain valuable firsthand experience in human-centered computing research in a real-world setting that combines research and application. I will work to complement this experience by exposing the student to other research in human-centered computing (both in my lab and across the field). I will also work with the student to understand their professional goals, and then to help them develop a plan for accomplishing those goals. I will also make myself available to the student for broader questions about the field and their career plans, and provide them with support, perspective, and guidance to move them closer to their long-term goals.