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The Effects of Interaction Between NGLY1 and NKCC1 Genes

Semester: Spring 2023

Presentation description

My research investigates how Pngl and Ncc69 in Drosophila melanogaster genetically interact or work in different genetic pathways to inhibit or create an additive effect on the expression of phenotypes observed for mutations on the NGLY1 gene. It also explores the sensitivity of Ncc69 mutations in D. melanogaster in environments with high osmolality, knowing that Pngl mutations of D. melanogaster result in are hypersensitivity to the organic solvent DMSO, which may be due to hyperosmotic stress.

Presenter Name: Ashlee Roberts
Presentation Type: Poster
Presentation Format: Virtual
College: Medicine
School / Department: Human Genetics
Research Mentor: Aylin Rodan
