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Associations between Anthropogenic climate change and pollen season trends of various genera in the continental United States.

Year: 2023

Presenter Name: Derek Kober

Anthropogenic climate change is tied to higher concentrations in airborne pollen and extended pollen seasons. Research indicates that pollen concentrations are positively correlated to temperature. This study aims to analyze the pollen trends in different genera, determining which plants are most impacted by anthropogenic climate change. Here we use retrospective data analysis from 60 pollen stations located in the continental United States spanning from 1990 to 2018 which had quantitative records of pollen concentrations from multiple pollen taxa. With historic climate data corresponding to each pollen station's location and measurement years, we contextualize the pollen concentrations and season duration of the genera with changes in temperature and precipitation to derive significant correlations. This research is currently being conducted and there are no conclusive findings.
University / Institution: University of Utah
Type: Poster
Format: In Person
Presentation #B49
SESSION B (10:45AM-12:15PM)
Area of Research: Science & Technology
Faculty Mentor: William Anderegg