Presenter Name: Cassidy Chamberlain
Human Anatomy is a challenging, rigorous course and students often struggle with finding the most useful study practices to use. During 2019-2022, Human Anatomy students completed an end-of-semester questionnaire on the study practices they found to be most useful in the course. The responses from the students that received a final grade of A and A- in the class versus C- or below were ranked based on percentage for comparison. Preliminary data analysis is still ongoing. This information can be used for future Human Anatomy students as a way to determine more successful study practices, as well as a guide for instructors on what type of study material student's find most helpful.
University / Institution: Southern Utah University
Type: Poster
Format: In Person
Presentation #A44
SESSION A (9:00-10:30AM)
Area of Research: Education
Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Mraz-Craig,