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Quercus gambelii Acorns as an Indigenous Food Resource in the Great Basin, Colorado Plateau & Southwest

Semester: Spring 2024

Presentation description

This project seeks to address the understudied presence of Gambel Oak acorns in the archaeological record of the Great Basin, Colorado Plateau, and Southwest regions. While ethnographic data and historical records suggest that Native peoples in this area consumed some Gambel Oak acorns, their recognition in archaeological contexts has been limited. This study aims to assess the viability of methodologies for identifying macrobotanical acorn remains.

Presenter Name: Sophia Dodge
Presentation Type: Poster
Presentation Format: In Person
Presentation #A64
College: Social & Behavioral Science
School / Department: Anthropology
Research Mentor: Alexandra Greenwald
Date | Time: Tuesday, Apr 9th | 9:00 AM