Creative Arts Therapies Research
Creative Arts Therapies is an evidence-based field of study. It integrates deep and advanced levels of an art form, science, psychology, counseling, and medicine and neuroscience that help change a wide variety of health-related issues such as mental health, anxiety, psychophysiological and emotional experiences of pain, and health outcomes in dementia and issues of brain-related disorders. Come and learn more about the world of creative arts therapies and music therapy research!
Presentation Resources:
- Presentation slides (view the slides to watch the video example of music therapy)
- Multi-author book: From Therapeutic Factors' to Mechanisms of Change in the Creative Arts Therapies: A Scoping Review
- Rebecca Zarate's book: Music Psychotherapy and Anxiety
Event Format: On Demand
Presenter Name: Dr. Becky Zarate, Associate Dean for Research, College of Fine Arts/Arts and Health
- Research in Humanities, Social Sciences & the Arts