Project description
Analysis of EHR Audit Log data
The goal of this work is to conduct a retrospective exploratory analysis of EHR audit log data to characterize data structures and perform a data quality assessment that will be used to inform a data representation for nursing activities. The main tasks are to examine EHR audit log data structures and identify variables related to nursing task and activity features. It will include pre-processing the EHR audit logs by cleaning and preparing the data for analysis. It may also involve filtering out irrelevant events, handling missing or incomplete data, and converting timestamps to a standardized format. We will examine data quality and reproducibility.
Keywords: informatics, EHR, data science, database management, programming, machine learning
Affiliations: Digital Health Initiative
Volunteer, This is a paid research position, This is a work-study research position, Prepare a UROP proposal, Write an Honors Thesis or Senior Thesis, Earn independent study credit.