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Wound-Healing Response to the Presence of Keratin-Coated Implants – A complete RNA-Sequencing Based Analysis

Faculty Mentor: Sujee Jeyapalina
Title: Assistant Professor
College: Medicine
School / Department: Surgery

Project description

One of the primary hurdles encountered with percutaneous device implantation involves the increased risk of infection, which is, in part, due to the marsupialization of the tissue surrounding the implant. Keratin nanomaterial coatings may alleviate this problem by improving tissue adherence to the implant. In the current study, keratin nanomaterial coated titanium devices were implanted in pig backs to study the keratin nanomaterial coating's impact on tissue adherence to the implant and wound healing cascades.

Student Role: The student will use the R programming language to process and analyze RNA-sequencing data to study the biological response to keratin nanomaterial coatings.
Student Benefits: The student will learn about RNA-sequencing data analysis and a deeper understanding of the wound healing process associated with the implantation of titanium devices.
Project Duration: 1-3 years
Opportunity Type: Volunteer; Prepare a UROP proposal; Write an Honors Thesis or Senior Thesis; Earn independent study credit
Is this a paid opportunity: No
Minimum Requirements: Some exposure to programming, some exposure to genetics and transcriptomics